Thank you for your answer and your help again,
> I think it can work but I don't understand when the comparator output is 0V, the controller input is 0V even with R0 so the throttle is cut ?
>correct, it's cut when comparator is grounding the output. otherwise it's whatever the sensor outputs. (please clarify your question.)
Maybe there was a misunderstanding, the target for me is to build a circuit to avoid the controller to cut the power when the battery goes under 40V by controlling the throttle. I have a quite small battery and even with the battery full charged when I go full throttle the voltage goes under 40V and the controller cut the power so I must release the throttle wait a bit and go medium throttle. Also the limit is very difficult to feel when you climb a hill.
I think your circuit is cutting the throttle when the battery is to low (my controller is already doing this) I would like to prevent the cut of the battery and control the throttle to be always upper than 40V.
I know there is a cycle analyst that is sold to limit the down voltage but I don't know if it works on GM controller and I don't know if there is a regulation (and also it is 150$ and I don't need all the other fonctions, Wh, speed ...).
I think with a small circuit it could be possible to have a good solution but I am not sure if it is ok because I don't know how is working the controller input and I did not practice electronic after school.
I took a part of your previous schematic and modified it :
1st AOP (=comparator) is to follow battery voltage
2nd AOP make the comparison battery voltage / minimum limit allowed + amplification result is 5V =R*(60V-41V) = full power allowed for example.
transistor regulate the throttle.
3rd maybe necessary : AOP to follow the output voltage of R6 (throttle input to the controller)
1) measure the Vdd voltage.
Ok I'll do this as soon I will be back after my holidays.
2) select an appropriate comparator THAT YOU CAN GET YOUR HANDS ON. I suggest using a DIP package and a socket; if you fry it, you can easily change it.
I have already an idea on which socket I'll do it. (I don't know the translation)
3) then I'll help you select the rest of the components accordingly.
thank you, if everything works well I'll post the final solution to allow everyone to use it. I know this problem of cutting voltage is frequent with the 1000W motor.
4) in particular, you have to test that adding an Ro won't affect controller performance before building the whole thing. or you can try it now, by adding a 1K resistor.
That is the reason why I would prefer to command the controller with a voltage output.
>you can add a voltage reference (or just a regulator) feeding the trimpot from Vdd for extra accuracy (I don't know how constant is your Vdd, variations in Vdd will provoke variations in the Vbat trip-point). where are you buying or getting your comparator? where are you located?
That is why I wanted to use zener diodes to fix the voltage but maybe just just with a trim pot it will be ok, I live near Paris so I think I can find a local dealer for all the electronic.
Find attached a schematic I made with TINA, it is free download on
www.telecharger.comthere is also diptrace it is free and english + french software, it seems to be powerfull.
http://www.01net.com/telecharger/windows/Loisirs/electronique/fiches/37752.htmlSo, I hope to be able to build a first circuit soon but I prefer to be sure beacause I don't want to fry my controller.
Have a nice day