Ok, anyone interested-here is the procedure....
1. Open the cover on the side where wires comes out (plenty of post on how to do that)
2. Locate where the three phase wires are connected (in star mode) and dissconnect them
3. You have to find wich wire is the end of wich phase -that can be done simply with ohm meter
4. Before soldering of extension wires (15 cm) I have to sand the of the varnish othevise solder wont stick up (pic.1)
5. Soldering. Make shure you have enough solder on the wires-bad connection may leed to unwanted side effects (pic.2)
6. Try to fix the 3 whires on the stator to ensure they will not came in contact with the cover and push them on the other side (pic.3)
7. If you are sure you did a good job you can now close this side and open the cover on the other side....
8. Once again measure the wires for color and solder them in delta mode
yellow to green
green to blue
blue to yellow
9.Fix the wires on the stator (I fixed them to controller) (pic.4)
10. Close the cover, connect everything as it was and you are good to go (until controller kicks out