We need to have speed limits put on us just like cars.
Power limits are retarded.
Looky here. This by decree is a legal bike. 80mph push pedals.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V2FgwN_re4And this is just insane. He still lives though.. Down hill speed records. Legal!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbT8N42QJik&feature=relatedCars are insane killers and just insane.
Put out more smoke in a day than a chain cigarette smoker would in month.
Destroy the breathing air for all.
Stinking gas stations and you need to pump petrol into them in a dangerous situation. Gas stations should be illegal as the concept of having a gas pump out doors on a street corner is crazy like insane.
Young children are imprisoned in their home due to the safety issue cars and their owners cause.
Cars kill more people and children in a week than all the extreme sports combined in the world in a year. (Ball park out of my ass figure)
Cars turn people into vegetables that cant even feed themselves all the time.
Cars can even kill people in their living room.
Cars kill more people than sharks and dangerous illegal pets like snakes and stuff.
If I was an insane mad "institutionable" scientist, I would invent ICE a car that pushes 200 kw or more.
And they call us crazy.
Now tell me why they are even legal at the power and speed they are registered to go.
I was being a little silly drinking soda and riding didn’t get the brakes on time. The car in front stopped too quick and my leg hit the car as I swerved. I powerd on and stopped. The car took off like a rocket and some idiot called out to me, "there is too much power in that".
One mistake and jumped on. No injury to a car or me, and the bike is 1000000 kw killer.
Just be careful buddy. Even being hurt would just give them a reason to make our lives unbearable.
But its ok for Sarah Snootsworth to break her leg in five places riding Nody in dressage.