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Magic Pie & Smart Pie Discussions / GM:Edge - what could cause Error 7?
« Last post by Thingamajig on May 14, 2024, 04:09:22 PM »
This issue is likely a result of my unique arrangement with my ebike build, and not likely an issue with GM motors itself - just wanted to clarify that here.

So, let me start by sharing an image of my ebike setup:

So my hub (GM Edge) shares a throttle with a Mid-Drive motor (TSDZ2B, 500w). The mid drive motor supplies power to the throttle - this was a deliberate choice as i've noticed the GM hubs can have issues on their 5v circuit (That powers throttle among other things)

Inside the thottle, the GM:Edge hub motor is connected to the throttles Signal and Ground outputs. The mid Drive is connected to the Positive, Signal and Ground (ie, mid powers the throttle).

In addition, both front and back brake sensors are connected to both the mid-drive and hub motor. This was more just a redundancy measure to ensure plenty of ground points between the mid drive and hub motor - essential to ensure they read the same throttle voltage.

For most part, this arrangement works great, the mid drive provides plenty of lower end grunt to climb hills, with the hub providing assist in that scenario. Then the hub provides great cruising capability at low power draw - as well as brake regeneration. Couldn't be better and it's a fantastic setup that rides great.

However, i've hit a snag.

While throttling, the Hub motor can throw a little fit whereby it abruptly stops drive with almost a "clunk", it's quite jarring and it's almost attempting to forcibly stop the wheel.

When I investigated on a stand, when this "jolt" occurs, error code 7 is momentarily thrown up on the GM Motor LCD screen, it can sometimes do it multiple times in quick succession, then goes away - often for the rest of the ride.

The issue is quite rare, but it makes me wonder the possible cause. My guess is the hub is getting thrown off by the voltage supplied to the throttle by the mid somehow?

Anyway, I appreciate any replies and thoughts shared (thanks in advance to Alan, if he responds!)
General Discussions / Re: MX25V2 current limited
« Last post by Bikemad on May 13, 2024, 11:41:40 PM »
Hi Leon,

The Magic Pie Edge is also a high torque 500W motor (although it's direct drive instead of geared) and the default rated phase current is 56A with a default battery drawn current of 21A.

For a motor running at 80% efficiency, an output of 800 Watts @ 48V would require a battery current of 20.84 Amps, so the above mentioned Magic Pie Edge settings will hopefully be suitable for your motor too.

Default Phase Amps/Battery Amps ratios used on GM hubmotors:
Smart Pie: 50A/18A = 2.78:1
Magic Pie Edge: 56A/21A = 2.67:1
Magic Pie: 80A/30A = 2.67:1

General Discussions / Re: MX25V2 current limited
« Last post by Leonsmits on May 13, 2024, 04:36:34 PM »
Hi Allan,
I use high torque geared motor ( 48v /100n/m) 500W What would be the setting of peak current in the software? I want to limit at 800W power, but must I devide current by 3?

General Discussions / Re: MX25V2 current limited
« Last post by Bikemad on May 13, 2024, 04:25:45 PM »
Hi Leon,

The controller simply limits the Phase current output to ensure that it doesn't exceed the programmed settings.

However, if the controller becomes too hot under sustained high current output (and high current regen with a non geared motor), it may shut down completely to prevent internal damage until it cools down enough to allow normal operation to be resumed.

General Discussions / Re: MX25V2 current limited
« Last post by Leonsmits on May 13, 2024, 03:21:47 PM »
Hi All,

In the software for setting " Max Current" you have continuous Amps and peak amps. I was wondering if the controller will shut off when reaching these settings or does the controller limit the current to these settings.

Kind regards Leon
General Discussions / Re: 5KW motor noise
« Last post by B0bD on May 10, 2024, 04:22:09 PM »
Bit of a followup
I took the end plate off, and noticed that the bearing has a bit of fust on the outside.
possibly or probably not an issue but the bearing doesn't look as pristine as is should being sealed in a motor.
There is a side load adjuster and I can get rid of a lot of the noise by increasing the preload, and cna increase the noise by loosening the preload.
The bottom bearing also looks less than fresh so I am going to replace the bearings.

Possibly of use to someone - upper bearing NSK 6304Z, lower (output) bearing NSK 6006Z.  They are commonly available.

I'll report back once I get the new bearings.
General Discussions / Re: 5KW motor noise
« Last post by B0bD on May 08, 2024, 02:18:21 PM »
It may be under propped for getting maximum output, although max motor speed of 4500 is close to the original engine speed of 5000.
In any case I use it for slow cruises, and I have fooled around with a different prop to see what happens.  Nothing on the noise frot.
The problem is that it is really noisy even at low speeds, whether or not it is under load.

The 90dB mentioned in my initial post is the peak, it hits 80 at about 1/4 speed.
Corchard's comment that his setup is below 40 dB makes me think there is something wrong with my motor, either bearings or electronics.
General Discussions / Re: 5KW motor noise
« Last post by Bikemad on May 08, 2024, 09:40:00 AM »
I think it may be under-propped as the original motor is designed to run at 5-6,000 rpm.
I suspect that a larger diameter/pitch prop will be needed to allow the motor to run at a lower speed and produce a lot more thrust.

According to the dynomometer data the HPM48-5000 motor produces its maximum power output @ 3,206 rpm (~6.5kW) and the power output drops significantly as the rpm rises above this figure (~2kW @ 4,000 rpm).

If your motor is reaching 4,000 rpm during normal use it is clearly not producing the power it is supposed to.

A larger diameter/pitch prop should load the motor sufficiently to prevent it from reaching the noisy rpm and produce a much quieter running outboard.  ;)

Wanted / Re: Wanted mp3 internal controller
« Last post by ElectricStreet on May 08, 2024, 07:34:18 AM »
Are you still looking for a MP3 internal controller?
General Discussions / Re: VEC300 with 5kW motor
« Last post by Bikemad on May 07, 2024, 11:04:35 PM »
Hi Charles,

Unless you have a 12V electrical system on your sailboat, using those switches is not going to be straightforward because the LEDs in the rocker switch and the one in the eLock switch will not survive with your 52V battery unless you add suitable resistors on the negative terminal to reduce the voltage across the LEDs.
Unfortunately, the manufacturer's datasheet doesn't list the current draw for the LEDs on the rocker switch, so it is difficult to say what size additional resistor will be required.
The 12V eLock switch would require an additional 1 Watt resistor of approx 3kOhms on the ground wire for the 12V LED to work correctly with your 52V battery (or 4x 3kOhms 1/4W resistors wired in series/parallel like the 30 Ohm resistors shown below).

The only way I can see to use that rocker switch to control the throttle and reverse function would require a couple of 48V relays (one to switch reverse and the other to switch the throttle signal), a diode and a couple of resistors (1.6kOhm and 8.4kOhm) used in series as a simple voltage divider to simulate the fully closed throttle signal voltage (~0.8V) from the 5V supply while the switch is in the centre position (both relays released).
The diode ensures that the throttle relay is energized in both the forward and reverse switched positions.

If your sailboat does have a 12V battery system you can simply use a couple of 12V Relays instead of the 48V relays shown, and you won't need to worry about having additional resistors for the LEDs in both Switches.

I suggest that you check if the potentiometer you listed has 3 pins as it only shows 2 pins in the datasheet, and you will definitely need all three pins to use it with the VEC-300 controller:

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