Author Topic: Anyone else going faster as it gets colder [lithium or AGM]?  (Read 2550 times)

Offline SherylinRM

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Anyone else going faster as it gets colder [lithium or AGM]?
« on: October 12, 2020, 07:33:36 AM »
Ok this might seem strange [it certainly is to me] but it might actually be normal and I don't know it yet LOL.

Ok so as it is getting colder I am noticing of course a reduction in the distance I can travel. Rather severely.
I could go 20 km in the summer. But I am down to 7 or less km now that it is 9 degrees Celsius out.

I expected this as everyone mentions it with lead acid  AGM's.
However, what I did not expect was that I am going faster in my mobility  scooter for the first half  of the  batteries  life.
I mean 2 kph faster.
For instance coming home tonight I was going up a hill that normally I only get 4 or maybe 5 kph. I was going between 7.2 and 7.8 kph UPHILL.
This is very significant.

And on the level I have gone from 9.5ish up to 11.2 or more at times.

So what I am wondering is this.
I know most here use lifepo batteries [or at least lithium-ion].
Has anyone else noticed an increase in your speed as it gets colder?

Thanks guys.  :)
I read a book that has "Don't Panic" on the cover ;) LOL