Hi and

to the forum.
If the hesitation is only apparent under heavy load
(and Regen) I am wondering whether your problem could be battery related.

If your battery has a weak cell, the cell voltage may be dropping low enough under heavy load to trigger the
BMS protection. Similarly, during high current regen, the voltage of the weak cell could be rising too high, also forcing the
BMS protection to operate.
Regarding the encoder calibration video, the HPC300 Controller requires a BLDC motor with Hall sensors to provide feedback of the motor's position.
But the motor used in the Vectrix incorporates an optical encoder instead of Hall sensors:

The encoder uses a small perforated disc mounted on the rear end of the motor shaft, through which a light is transmitted and received.
The tiny slots in the disc are used to determine the motor's timing and rpm etc. The Vectrix motor requires the controller to be recalibrated every time the encoder disc is removed, or controller is changed, as the angular offset value of the encoder ring is stored in the controller.
The encoder ring on the Vectrix motor is not splined or keyed onto the shaft so it can be fitted in unlimited angular positions in relation to the motor. Calibrating the encoder is necessary to enable the controller to determine the exact angular position of the disc.
Although the HPC300 programming software often allows adjustment of the Hall sensor angle, as the Hall sensors can only be fitted in one position you should not need to alter this setting, as it should already be set correctly for your motor.