Author Topic: Some trouble with replaced hall bldc motor and HPC300 controller  (Read 8088 times)

Offline Natsukawa

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Some trouble with replaced hall bldc motor and HPC300 controller
« on: November 28, 2018, 10:56:25 AM »
Hallo everyone,

I'm having some trouble with my bldc motor and HPC300 controller.

And everything from the beginning :) 2014 I bought a used E-Max 90S with HPC300 controller, it worked fine for 42000 km ~ 26000 Mile.
And then it happened one of my hall sensors gone bye bye... "null problemo" I thought  gonna replace it....began to read/watch what I found on the subject (i live in a little country electric vehicles are rare, repair shops are rarer)

"What are you fussing over hall sensors replace it with SS40 or SS41 (Honeywell)"
aaaand no cake for me  :( ... without load the motor was rotating, but with load I got some screaming sound and no movement.

Ok ok luckily extracted the original hall's without damage, and I got a partial part number 35L hmm... searching and more reading I got to TLE 4935L and yes its much more better as the SS40,and here comes the but.
But if I need high torque some stuttering or slipping occurs (don't know the exact term) .... if I go slowly ramping up the speed everything is alright.
Ohh yes and the regen breaking is stuttering too.

And with more reading I got to this video  ( Vectrix Electric Scooters - Encoder Calibration) in my book the encoder is something else (cnc spindle speed feedback, or cnc servo motors got some of this) but this is my only hope.

My question is has the HPC300 controller something similar where I can fine tune?

Thank you for taking the time to reading my story :)
Take my comments with a grain of salt, I'm no way an expert :)

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Some trouble with replaced hall bldc motor and HPC300 controller
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2018, 11:48:58 PM »
Hi andto the forum.

If the hesitation is only apparent under heavy load (and Regen) I am wondering whether your problem could be battery related.  :-\
If your battery has a weak cell, the cell voltage may be dropping low enough under heavy load to trigger the BMS protection. Similarly, during high current regen, the voltage of the weak cell could be rising too high, also forcing the BMS protection to operate.

Regarding the encoder calibration video, the HPC300 Controller requires a BLDC motor with Hall sensors to provide feedback of the motor's position.
But the motor used in the Vectrix incorporates an optical encoder instead of Hall sensors:

The encoder uses a small perforated disc mounted on the rear end of the motor shaft, through which a light is transmitted and received.
The tiny slots in the disc are used to determine the motor's timing and rpm etc. The Vectrix motor requires the controller to be recalibrated every time the encoder disc is removed, or controller is changed, as the angular offset value of the encoder ring is stored in the controller.
The encoder ring on the Vectrix motor is not splined or keyed onto the shaft so it can be fitted in unlimited angular positions in relation to the motor. Calibrating the encoder is necessary to enable the controller to determine the exact angular position of the disc.

Although the HPC300 programming software often allows adjustment of the Hall sensor angle, as the Hall sensors can only be fitted in one position you should not need to alter this setting, as it should already be set correctly for your motor.  ;)

« Last Edit: November 29, 2018, 11:17:39 AM by Bikemad »

Offline Natsukawa

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Re: Some trouble with replaced hall bldc motor and HPC300 controller
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2018, 10:49:31 AM »

Thank you for your fast response Bikemad ^_^
I'm sure that it's not battery related, I have an "intelligent" BMS and in the logs I don't have low or high voltage warning.
But I got to this video that somewhat explains the settings on my controller, I try to play with the FWD degree, and see what comes out of it :)

Yup that's a real opto encoder, "small perforated disc ....light is transmitted and received." awesome.  8)

Thank you for your time, I try to play with my controller, I will be back :) I hope with solution.

I had no luck with the controller settings, I try to get another controller to test is out.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2018, 12:35:32 PM by Natsukawa »
Take my comments with a grain of salt, I'm no way an expert :)