Author Topic: Electric Bike Conversion Blog  (Read 11188 times)

Offline tulsa1990

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Electric Bike Conversion Blog
« on: July 23, 2007, 03:03:28 AM »

I just received my Golden Motor kit (BCK-26-0819) last week and I have created a blog detailing some of the problems I have had along with my solutions.

Here is a link to the site:


Offline myelectricbike

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Re: Electric Bike Conversion Blog
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2007, 11:35:18 AM »
Why would you do a separate blog instead of posting here, when that is the primary reason for this site to exist?

Seems like you also forgot to read the owner assembly manual.

Oh I get it... publication of replies to your blog must first meet with your approval and anyone who does reply must open a Google account.

Definitely a common trick used by slick tailed lawyers to suck people in and then hookum with caveats and restrictions. Pretty daw gone cheezy!

« Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 12:56:38 PM by myelectricbike »

Offline tulsa1990

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Re: Electric Bike Conversion Blog
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2007, 01:17:30 PM »

> Why would you do a separate blog instead of posting here, when that is the primary reason for this site to exist?

This forum is a great resource if you are looking for random bits of information.  I thought it would be helpful if all my ideas were all in one place.

> Seems like you also forgot to read the owner assembly manual.

I read the owners manual, and I thought it was pretty good but the go-hub documentation was better.

> Oh I get it... publication of replies to your blog must first meet with your approval and anyone who does reply must open a Google account.

I configured the blog that way to keep spammers and trolls out.

> Definitely a common trick used by slick tailed lawyers to suck people in and then hookum with caveats and restrictions. Pretty daw gone cheezy!

Is this is how you welcome new members to your forum?


Offline OneEye

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Re: Electric Bike Conversion Blog
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2007, 03:55:05 PM »
Thanks for posting up your conversion in progress.  I hope everything comes together eventually.  I for one appreciate all the users who post their experiences, good or bad.  It rounds out the understanding of potential buyers so they know exactly what they are getting into.

myelectricbike is a bit on the defensive.  There have been a few recent posts highlighting the limited customer service and the frequency of in-transit damages to the goldenmotor product.  None of these are myelecticbike's fault, but he has staked his position as "you get what you paid for, and you're lucky you got so much".  In part this is true; if you get a kit in mostly undamaged shape, a little do-it-yourself repair and you will be cruising for years on a pretty decent product.  If the kit comes in completely destroyed, you are probably going to be taken care of by either the shipping insurance or the manufacturer.  I may be recalling incorrectly, but I think when something has come in completely buggered up the sales reps have been providing replacements.

One must also understand a user who has a smooth experience with receipt, intallation, and use, is actually unlikely to come onto the forum and post an "everything went exactly as planned" post, so the bad experiences will always be somewhat disproportionately represented on a forum.  People should understand that as they read through the forum.

Although many of us don't like his "level of service" opinion, myelectic bike has some valid points.  The electric bicycle conversion kit market is extremely small in the US, Canada, UK, etc.  He also points out the company is much more focused on the internal PRC market.  In the overseas market, the company is staking out a bottom-level entry position, with extremely limited post-sale support.  As long as prospective buyers understand the level of support the company is willing to provide, there should be no problems.  It just needs to be an up-front understanding so buyers can factor it into their purchase decision. 

The next price point in todays market for a conversion kit is the Wilderness Electric BD36, retailing at about $400 (delivered?).  I'm pretty sure this includes a 3-battery 12Ah SLA pack (say ~$80 retail value), so the comparable cost of the kit is $320, about a $100 difference.  Add to that the fact the motor is a brushed version and the value difference is a bit more.  My understanding is the Wilderness Electric kit dealers have developed a decent customer support reputation (well deserved or not?).  The interesting thing to note is the price jumped by almost $100 in the last year or two.

With the price differential, it would seem goldenmotor (or an enterprising middleman?) can up the price to provide a basic level of support.  Whether they choose to or not is entirely up to the company. 

As an aside, the Wal*Mart entry into the market actually got some pretty poor reviews in the e-bike user space.  At least the buyers could take the piece of junk back to the store for a refund.  I guess that is a form of customer satisfaction.

Ah well.  My opinion is probably the least valid on the entire forum.  I keep running into finance issues that delay my purchase decision.  Just ran my son in to the doctor for a mystery illness.  At the rate this keeps going it might be next spring before I finally pull the trigger and buy.


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Re: Electric Bike Conversion Blog
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2007, 06:31:26 PM »
Thanks, Mike. You're right about having to accept the fact that newbies will be more likely to post problems than accolades but I'm not real enthusiastic about them doing it on their own blog and then dropping in to say hello and to drop a link to their blog as well. To me they are not members and have no right to claim to be. Except for actually owning a Golden I feel they have intentionally made themselves as remote as they can possibly be.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 06:34:28 PM by myelectricbike »

Offline OneEye

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Re: Electric Bike Conversion Blog
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2007, 06:57:30 PM »
You're certainly entitled to your opinion.  To me it's six of one, half-a-dozen of the other as far as blog link vs. forum post.  To each their own.

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Re: Electric Bike Conversion Blog
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2007, 07:18:13 PM »
BTW - hope your son is doing better. ...also private email me ...I might be able to help a little on the price.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 07:21:28 PM by myelectricbike »

Offline OneEye

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Re: Electric Bike Conversion Blog
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2007, 08:18:43 PM »
He's fine.  The symptoms were scarier than the diagnosis.  10 days of antibiotics and he'll be just fine. 

The doctor visits and labs just put a temporary crimp in the discretionary spending, which I've already tapped a few times for other interests (also known as a 9mm handgun ;)).

I think the recent car payment is the biggest crimp on our disposable income.  We're working hard to get our 6-month reserve back in shape, so I've had to tell the spouse I will cool it on my other hobbies (next in line after this will probably be the HTPC, then the 32" widescreen ;D)...  ooh, I sound like my kids with their allowance (and then the LEGO, and then the Power Ranger, and then ...)

//end off topic post ::)

Offline OneEye

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Re: Electric Bike Conversion Blog
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2007, 08:38:25 PM »
\\ back on topic...

Reading through tulsa1990's blog he mentioned symptoms similar to jeremy's motor sensor failure after his crash.  He reports one of the sensors is only varying between 0.2v - 0.4v.  I pointed him to the instructable jeremy put together ( to see if that can take care of the problem.

Here's Tulsa's response on the blog...

Excellent! I checked out the link and it appears that I can open the motor without taking off the spokes.

Hopefully a quick sensor replacement or wire reconnect will get him underway.


Offline myelectricbike

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Re: Electric Bike Conversion Blog
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2007, 07:08:18 AM »
Well I don't mean to pass him any ill will but anyway enough said about that.

Thanks for reading his blog and helping him to get straightened out. Now if Philip will only acknowledge my last order and the payment I sent him.

Offline tulsa1990

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Re: Electric Bike Conversion Blog
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2007, 01:00:29 PM »
Well, it looks like I will not have to replace the hall sensor!  Check this entry in my blog for the details.  BTW, I have ordered 6 hall sensors from Digikey just in case I need them someday.