Hi Walter,
I believe the controller has a built in temperature sensor, but this would only monitor the temperature of the controller itself and not the motor windings.
If it hasn't cut out, I would say that the controller is not getting hot enough to activate the safety cut-out function. When it does become hot enough to cut the power, it apparently takes several minutes before it cools down enough to allow the controller to start working again.
If you are concerned about the amount of heat build up in the motor, you could try reducing the maximum current setting to see if it helps, but the maximum power
(and climbing speed on steep hills) will also be greatly reduced at the same time.
Unfortunately, the motor's efficiency will drop quite dramatically when the rpm is dragged down under heavy load, and this is when the motor will start to generate heat relatively quickly. I actually run my standard Pie at the maximum 30 Amps setting, as I find it is often better to have more power to enable a higher average speed on steep hills, and therefore climb up them much quicker.
My modified Pie would draw over 50 Amps at maximum load but would easily maintain 20 mph
(~32 km/h) on steep hills without having to pedal.
Either your hills are very steep
(greater than 25%) and very long, or your Pie is pulling a lot more weight than mine does, as my standard Magic Pie never slows down below 10km/h on what I consider to be reasonably steep hills
(even without pedalling).
Dual Pies
(or even triple) would be a better solution for climbing really steep hills.
