Author Topic: Has anyone gotten the alarm to work?  (Read 8553 times)

Offline Sangesf

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Has anyone gotten the alarm to work?
« on: February 19, 2009, 07:36:49 AM »
I've received the new magic controller and for the life of me, can't get the stupid alarm to work.  When I hook up the G connection to the battery, the throttle doesn't work. The ONLY way I can get the throttle to work is by connecting G to the battery ALONG WITH the B+ wire coming out of the controller.  If I pull it off the B+ connection and hook it up to my battery's positive terminal directly, the throttle lights up but doesn't work. Basically, It's either controller is on or off and I can't get the controller into "soft switch" mode to activate the alarm.

Any clues?

Here is a photo to help explain...
The dotted line is how I'm hooking it up but when I do that the throttle lights up but doesn't work.

Do I have to have TWO wires coming out of G? One to Switch AND one to the battery's positive terminal directly?
« Last Edit: February 19, 2009, 07:39:07 AM by sangesf »

Offline Philip Lynott

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Re: Has anyone gotten the alarm to work?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2009, 09:09:42 AM »

Logically switch off power to motor (called soft-switch, controller is still on) and take out the battery key,
within 10 seconds depress the cruise control button till one beep sound, then release the cruise control
button, the vehicle is now protected from theft and motor is electrically locked. Any small movement of
vehicle will trigger the siren for 30 seconds, and wheel will make resistance from pedaling.

thats from a document philip sent me, I can send it to you

Offline Sangesf

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Re: Has anyone gotten the alarm to work?
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2009, 09:48:34 AM »

Logically switch off power to motor (called soft-switch, controller is still on) and take out the battery key,
within 10 seconds depress the cruise control button till one beep sound, then release the cruise control
button, the vehicle is now protected from theft and motor is electrically locked. Any small movement of
vehicle will trigger the siren for 30 seconds, and wheel will make resistance from pedaling.

thats from a document philip sent me, I can send it to you 

Did you even look at my post?

I didn't ask for the instructions on how to SET the alarm, I need the connections... and I followed the connections on the wiring diagram given on the GM website and what I wrote in my post is what happened.

My question is, has anyone gotten the alarm to work on the new controller, and if so, how did you wire it?

Offline Philip Lynott

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Re: Has anyone gotten the alarm to work?
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2009, 01:25:33 PM »
It's obvious from the freely availible wiring diagram,

I'm not going to guide you step by step if your going to be rude.

Offline Sangesf

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Re: Has anyone gotten the alarm to work?
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2009, 09:24:09 PM »
I know it was a little rude, sorry.  But I'm so fed up with the lack of help from GM.  I'm trying to get this to work and I keep getting the same answer. (Everyone just tells me to read the diagram or read the setting of the alarm.)

And the fact is, you didn't actually read my post, which you kinda have to admit, (and it's not PERSONALLY you, but) Well I'm telling you, I read the diagram, set it up and it doesn't work as stated.  So at this point, I want to know who has gotten it to work and if they could PLEASE, tell me how they got it to work. (Telling me how it functions is TOTALLY different, then answering the question as to whether they have gotten it to work and explain HOW they got it to work. - It's like if you asked the question... "How do I install a carbeurator?"  and the answer you get is, "Well, when you press the gas pedal the carbeurator allows air and gas to mix." So yeah, I know what it does and how it functions and what it's hooked up to, but that answer doesn't tell me how to install it.)

Have you gotten it to work?  If not, then you're not going to be helpful.  As I am sure you are fully aware that "canned" answers NEVER help.

I know the diagram shows that the red G lead should go to the battery outside of the loop to a "G Key switch". Well when I received the controller, it was attached (spliced into) the B+ wire.  It's contradictory to what the diagram shows. So I removed it from the B+ wire and I set it up like it shows in the diagram and when I do, this is what happens...

#1.) If I have the "G Key switch" off (G is now in an open/non-connected state -{i.e. no alarm needed because I'm riding my bike.}) and have the battery on for the motor/controller, the throttle lights up and doesn't work (meaning the motor won't move, basically making the bike non-moving).

#2.) When I turn the "G Key switch" on (G is now in a closed/connected state) and it's connected to the battery's + lead, like in the diagram and have the battery off to the motor/controller, the alarm doesn't set, nor does any sound come from the horn.

#3.) I even tried connecting the "G Key switch" to a separate battery's positive lead while trying #1 and #2 and the same things happened respectively.

So I had to re-attach G back to the original setup with it attached (spliced into) the B+ wire connected to the controller/motor, which basically turns off all connections when I turn off the motor/controller battery, so I can't set the alarm at this/that point.

Obviously the diagram is wrong or it's missing something OR I'm a total retard and am missing something myself. (It's possible I being retarded, but I have a degree in Physics, and I think I can follow directions easy enough)
« Last Edit: February 19, 2009, 10:09:34 PM by sangesf »

Offline Philip Lynott

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Re: Has anyone gotten the alarm to work?
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2009, 10:08:29 PM »
I understand the frustration,

I have gotten it to work, this is how I have mine set up,

B+ is connected to the positive of the battery by one wire, G is also connected to the positive of the battery by another wire with a switch  on it.

  (1)When the switch is closed ( G is connected to + ) the motor should turn when the throttle is pressed,
  (2)When the switch is open (G's voltage is 'floating' probably) the red button on your handle bars should   be pressed for a second (within ten seconds of opening the switch)- this will set the alarm.

It may be that the red cruise controller button isn't connected properly, this is marked C on the wiring diagram.

I redid all the connections to the controller from scratch using a stick connector and the wiring diagram, I recommend this strongly to you.

If that doesn't solve the problem I can post a picture perhaps.

By the way the value of the alarm function is questionable, although it is interesting.

Offline Sangesf

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Re: Has anyone gotten the alarm to work?
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2009, 10:47:36 PM »

B+ is connected to the positive of the battery by one wire, G is also connected to the positive of the battery by another wire with a switch  on it.

In the diagram there is only ONE lead coming from G.   THAT is what I am missing. (And so is the diagram)

  (1)When the switch is closed ( G is connected to + ) the motor should turn when the throttle is pressed,
  (2)When the switch is open (G's voltage is 'floating' probably) the red button on your handle bars should  be pressed for a second (within ten seconds of opening the switch)- this will set the alarm.

From your #1 in the above quote, I'm assuming you have the power to the contoller/motor on.  That works ok, because B+G is connected to the battery directly and G key switch is closed (connected to your battery) and you're riding your bike.

This next part doesn't make sense to me.....

If you have BOTH G wires going to the battery (one of which is going through the "key switch") , doesn't it have THIS effect....?

From your #2 in the above quote, I'm assuming that you are turning off the power to the controller/motor at some point?  (IF I had to guess, I'm thinking that your "voltage is floating" comment means that AFTER you've hit the button and heard the beep from the horn (meaning alarm is set) THEN you're turning off the power to the controller/motor and the alarm part is still set?).. But that doesn't make sense either because there is no power to the controller anymore at all (B+/G is not connected, NOR is the G connection through the "key switch", because it's in an open{not connected} position.) If this does work this way, then there must be some kind of cap or something in the controller to keep power to the "alarm" while keeping the rest of the controller off, which gives thought to how long the alarm stays set. But then again, THAT doesn't make sense either, because you could just hit the cruise button at ANY time to set the alarm, but that doesn't happen.
OR are you leaving the power to the controller/motor on? (which would DEFINITELY NOT make sense(or is a VERY BAD DESIGN FLAW), because G would still be connected to the battery through the B+ wire, meaning the bike is still on and you can use the throttle, move the bike, (ALSO meaning that the alarm can be set at ANY time, by just holding down the cruise button for 10 seconds) Plus it would be a waste on the battery.)

(Or did you tell me backwards? #1 in quote should say open and #2 should say closed?)
I'm soooo confused, LOL.


P.S. Maybe a diagram of YOUR setup and the EXACT steps YOU follow to set the alarm, would be warranted.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2009, 11:15:36 PM by sangesf »

Offline Sangesf

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Re: Has anyone gotten the alarm to work?
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2009, 06:10:26 AM »
Ok, I have FINALLY gotten the alarm to work....


The alarm goes off and locks the tire... That's not the problem...

The problem is.....   It locks the tire from going BACKWARDS!!!  That does NOT help, because no-one is going to try to steal your bicycle riding it BACKWARDS!!!!   Why isn't it locking the tire from moving FORWARDS? 




Offline wepbep

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Re: Has anyone gotten the alarm to work?
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2009, 12:34:12 PM »
Could you both please identify your controllers ? I have MX36C-EB-D and found diagrams of BAC281 and BAC028x...

thanx, Marc

Offline Sangesf

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Re: Has anyone gotten the alarm to work?
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2009, 01:22:48 PM »
Could you both please identify your controllers ? I have MX36C-EB-D and found diagrams of BAC281 and BAC028x...

thanx, Marc

I believe you have the BAC281... That's the 36V version of the new "magic controller".. I have the MX24...  Which is the BAC283 controller.

That should help you.

Now if I can only get that alarm to lock the wheel from going FORWARDS....

Offline wepbep

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Re: Has anyone gotten the alarm to work?
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2009, 01:46:25 PM »
Ok, thanks, I'll test that setup then...

Offline Perbear

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Re: Has anyone gotten the alarm to work?
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2009, 10:58:19 PM »
The problem is.....   It locks the tire from going BACKWARDS!!!  That does NOT help, because no-one is going to try to steal your bicycle riding it BACKWARDS!!!!   Why isn't it locking the tire from moving FORWARDS? 

In my 36V 250W minimotor there is a freewheel built into the motors planet gearing. This freewheel allows forward rotation of the wheel without turning the motor. That is a built in feature to prevent the motor from slowing down the bike when you are not using the motor.

Could it be that you have a motor with freewheel? That would prevent the motor lock from operating as a cycle lock as it would allow forward rotation of the motor wheel with a locked motor, but it would stop backwards rotation.


Offline Sangesf

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Re: Has anyone gotten the alarm to work?
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2009, 06:57:58 AM »
Maybe I could set up that Reverse connection on that controller and THAT would stop forward motion?