Author Topic: Need User Manual / advice on MP3  (Read 3326 times)

Offline OldNick

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Need User Manual / advice on MP3
« on: October 31, 2012, 08:25:47 PM »
I hope this is how I do my first post.

I have just bought two 1000W MP III kits,  but not yet installed them. I intend to run them at "24 volt" (6s) for lower power and longer running. I am doing this in the hope that the more powerful motor is more I think.  ;D

I cannot find a User Manual, and although I tried to download the Install Manual from the GM site, it just keeps not downloading and freezes.

I am pretty sure I can install the unit, but the install manual would be nice to try to avoid gotchas. Anyone know where I can get one, please?

I also would like to know what to expect from the kit. I have asked on cycling forums but nobody actually seems to know. Is there a User Manual download somewhere?

My main query is about the pedalec system, which I had included. How does it interact with the pedaller? I am unsure how it handles the gearing of the bike: if I am in a low gear to start, my cadence will be much higher per KPH than in a higher gear. Does the system actually measure cadence  and apply power accordingly. or does it simply say "somebody's pedalling" and apply power. If the latter, I assume that it applies power as dictated by the throttle, but only when I pedal????

Somebody posted on another forum that they tried a pedal assist system the other day (not sure whose make) and it just shot away when they started pedalling.

Another query at this stage regards having a flat battery. There is a fair bit of magnetic drag from the motor when depowered. Is there a trick to dealing with this to get home, should there be an electric failure of any kind?

Help on these and other thoughts appreciated.


« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 08:06:55 PM by Bikemad »

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Need User Manual / advice on MP3
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2012, 02:15:36 AM »
Hi Nick andto the forum.

I've just double checked the links and these are all working fine:

A pdf version of the current eBike User Manual can be found here.

A pdf version of the Magic Pie II internal controller installation details can be found here.

Gary (GM Canada) posted some good pictures and information relating to the External Magic Pie II Installation.

Unfortunately there is no user manual available, so you will need to search the forum and ask questions if you can't find what you are looking for.

The GM pedelec system supplied with the kit is pretty basic and does not allow you to control the throttle output while pedelec is in use.  Although the assistance is relative to the pedal speed, I found it to be too powerful for my sort or use as the assistance did seem to be more of an "all or nothing" type of output.

Having said that, the motor I originally tested it on was not programmable, so I was unable to adjust the level of assistance.
Perhaps one day I will install it on one of my more recent Pies to see what the difference is, but I really prefer having total control of the throttle, especially when setting off on steep hills. ;)

Unfortunately, there is not a lot that you can do to avoid the magnetic drag from the motor, other than riding slower so it is less noticeable. Below 10-12 mph is not much of a problem, but anything over 15 mph starts to become hard work.
The smaller Smart Pie is totally different to the Magic Pie in this respect, as the motor drag when riding without power is barely noticeable (even at higher speed).

I hope this helps.

« Last Edit: July 02, 2017, 10:20:45 PM by Bikemad »

Offline OldNick

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Re: Need User Manual / advice on MP3
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2012, 04:09:12 AM »
Thanks for the reply, Alan. This looks like a really good source of hands-on know how.

I see you have a PhD in Magic! I have just been watching a few James Randi vids. He has no PhD but is probably close as anyone to that!  ;D It's alright I get what yours means..

Thanks for the links. I tried one and it seemed OK. I will try the others. The one I was trying was actually on the GM site.

Wow! Cannot control the throttle! That's way daft. I assumed it would give power up to what the throttle dictated. Must be interesting with 48V applied.

Once I get the wheel installed and sort out the programming I will see what is available, since you trialled an older version. I want to do that anyway, just to try it all out, so it may save you trouble. :D

I can see where the smaller motor would have a heap less drag: less magnets, less iron, less diameter. I was just after the strength and grunt of the larger unit, at lower speeds, under heavier loads. Somebody commented that the motor will slow me down even down hills. That makes sense. So I guess you actually have to apply power just to "coast" down a hill.

Regen braking is going to have minimal effect here. I just realised that although there is immense power available from regen braking, you can't just dump that into the batteries. So regen will contribute very little to the overall energy equation. What you need is a nice super-capacitor!

10-12 mph sounds good to me. I am no boy racer! :)
