Author Topic: MW12B or MPIII?  (Read 6694 times)

Offline Wriggley

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« on: July 10, 2012, 12:48:27 AM »
hi guys,

i'll just give you bit of history before I ask for your help.

Im disabled and use a chair most of the time but im lucky enough to be able to stand up.  up until recently I used an electric scooter that was a cheap piece of tat.  I got sick of it not being able to climb hills, any hills!!!  I also had a bmx scooter whn I was a kid and took it everywhere until my darling little brother took it apart and lost the bearings :(

anyway to the subject at hand.

I recently came into the possession of a bmx scooter.  it needs tarted up but its solid.  thing is I want to turn it into my new electric scooter only this time able to climb hills.  question is the standard size wheel on this little beastie is 12 inch, im handy enough that I can fit different size wheels to it.  so should I go for MW12B or MPIII 16 inch set? 

im sick of not being able to hit the trails so I intended on getting stuff ordered asap preferably so I can have it built in the next couple of weeks

Thanks guys appreciate any help you can give me,

Wriggley  8)

Offline skylinenitro

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Re: MW12B or MPIII?
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2012, 02:21:23 PM »
Hi and welcome!

My best friend got into an accident and is now a quadriplegic, however thankfully he can now use his arms and is getting some feeling back in his legs, but is chair bound and probably will be for a long time.  I was thinking of making him a powered 'toy' to get around and out and about since he was an outdoorsman.  I am interested in anything you come up with, so please keep us updated on your 'toy' and include pictures :)

If you can mod you toy with a 16 inch MP with external controller, that would give you the best options to be able to mod (soup-up) your ride and choose lotsa other external controller options.  Regen braking is super nice for slowing down and stopping with little help from manual breaks (plus its a button and not a grip-n-hold type of braking (which is nice for my bud since one of his arms is much weaker than the other)).

How many wheels do you have to work with on the toy?  Would the Pie replace a front wheel or a rear wheel(s)?

Thanks and welcome again!!
Live Long and Prosper

Offline Wriggley

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Re: MW12B or MPIII?
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2012, 07:32:38 PM »
Thanks for the reply

It's two wheels, the old school scooter rather than the tinny little micro scooters of today.  My previous one was a 500w xtreme which is an utter piece of tat and couldn't pull you over a molehill. 

I've picked up an electric bike just to see if it works with a scooter and if it's successful I'll up grade. 

Looking forward to the week ahead full of painting, sanding and pleading to the gods of electronics that I can make it work

Offline truly_bent

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Re: MW12B or MPIII?
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2012, 10:29:09 PM »
The MW12B is a wimp at 250W. I'd ignore that one, but i've been spoiled by an MP running 1440W.

Note that the 16" MP windings are configured Delta for speed, not torque. It's apparently the only size MP that's configured that way. I'm guessing you'd rather have the better torque for hill climbing. It looks like the MW16B and the PW16B appear to be the same motor, although that's not immediately clear by their performance curves. I would venture to say that they are wound Wye (for torque), and might be a better choice for your needs.

I's suggest looking into that a little further before settling on one or the other...
Burley Canto recumbent w/ MP II, Lyen 18FET controller, 48V 20AH LiFeP04, Cycle Analyst, and 4 pounds of zip-ties