Author Topic: MP I Reg. braking problem  (Read 2816 times)

Offline Hardcore

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MP I Reg. braking problem
« on: February 16, 2012, 04:33:49 PM »

It's been a long time but this is my problem:
After going over a bump in the road the regenerative braking started and won't stop.
I've tried all I know, tested every wire but I don't know the problem.

What causes the controller to think I'm braking?

Thanks in advance


Tried a different battery
It works just fine, but this means my battery is the problem.
Can I tear the invalid'' sticker to check what the problem is?

« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 04:51:03 PM by hardcore »

Offline Bikemad

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Re: MP I Reg. braking problem
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2012, 01:18:15 AM »

Hi Kevin, it would be a good idea to try swapping the batteries over again and see if the original problem returns, because I really can't understand how a battery could cause that specific problem.

Perhaps the shock of the bump caused a momentary break in the battery plug connection, causing a glitch in the controller's CPU chip. 
Disconnecting the battery might simply have allowed the controller to fully discharge itself and then start functioning normally again.

Did the motor work at all after hitting the bump (before swapping the batteries) or was the motor just dragging 100% of the time?

If it was a faulty brake switch or brake wiring fault, you should have been able to operate the throttle 3 or 4 times until the controller beeped, and then pressed the cruise button for half power.


Offline Hardcore

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Re: MP I Reg. braking problem
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2012, 09:36:33 PM »
THis is what I did:
Swapped the batteries, it worked.
Checked the wiring, wasn't anything wrong.
Reconnected the ''faulty'' battery, same problem.
Opened the battery on the charging side and found this:
See the attached pictures.

After fixing this, the bike worked perfectly again.
Conclusion, it had to have been the battery but it's really weird and I don't understand as to why a faulty charging cable could cause a regen braking error like this.
Also my MP hasn't got a horn that beeps as it was the second or maybe even the first MP that shipped out of the GM factory.

But thanks for your quick reply and to my suprise you still knew my name. ;)