(Caveat - I'm not moaning here as the MP is really unbelieveable fun, ridiculiously efficient and will not now do without it
so in the interests of goodness and curiousity I wondered what other thought about this ..)
I'm approaching 1500 miles on my one front pie with internal controller so feel qualified to judge. I am well aware of past posts about the GM controllers (Int / Ext) power limits; its true and that has been verified with readings from my journeys for max amps (~30) and peak watts (~750) ...
... but I was not expecting this behaviour that I believe is happening. Its only really apparent when going up hill and that is that if I exert greater power from my legs to the pedals I actually don't/can't really go any quicker (0.5 mph max) up the hill than if I exert just a moderate amount of power! VERY STRANGE!
Now that got me thinking that perhaps the limit on the controller is such that even if you want 'add' the power and go faster on the other free wheel that the controller wont let it through (so to speak). Now I do go 16mph up the very steepest hill I have and usually 20mph on moderate hills - so like I say I am not moaning.
If this is the case its a pity but also where is my wasted energy going? I suppose its lost to heat in muscle and pedals, chain and whatever else. Or am I just imagining it?
If my theory is true then I think that Golden Motor should at least beef up their standard issue controllers a little more.