Author Topic: EU directives and LAW  (Read 38458 times)

Offline Cornelius

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Re: EU directives and LAW
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2011, 04:42:10 PM »
In Norway they where actually forbidden until 2003.

I didn't know that. :)
Though, if there is no law regulating a vehicle, it's not legal I guess... ;)

In my opinion, the regulations regarding power should be adjusted to each country's topology; there's no fun riding an e-bike in hilly Norway with just 250W, but in the flat Netherlands or Denmark it would be ok for assistance...

I myself @ 80kg with an 750W motor barely manages 25km/h up an steep hill... (Though, 40+km/h flat country are no problem (no pedlec, but with, it would be legal (except for the power...)).

I think there has been a change in the regulations regarding mopeds here; before the rules was max 50km/h, max 2.5hp, and now I think they've removed the 2.5hp limit, or adjusted it to 4-5hp?
That way, one can keep to the speed limit, and keep the speed uphills too... ;)

My point with the last statement was that similar adjustments to the law should also be applied to e-bikes... ;) )
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 04:49:29 PM by Cornelius »

Offline Perbear

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Re: EU directives and LAW
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2011, 12:57:28 PM »
Here in this previous post is a full description of current legislation in Europe:

Please be aware that new EU legislation is on its way and will likely slack the 250W limit to probably 1kW peak power and put on a weight limit of 25 kg that is likely to include batteries. You can read more about these new suggestions here:

Offline MonkeyMagic

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Re: EU directives and LAW
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2011, 01:20:03 PM »
Gee you guys would be itching to hear the news !!!

I really hope that 25Kg weight limit does not come into effect... Do the officers carry scales???

If you own a higher powered e-bike, obviously you already have a few tricks up your sleeve to avoid the law - but it must get on your nerves using PAS or pretending to pedal all the time??

Should the change occur, I'd say there would be a careful eye out from the law catching anyone going above the imposed speed limit.. Sorta defeats the purpose of having a e-bike that can rocket upto 25km/h and retain the speed uphill but how would they know how fast you can 'pedal' hehe ;)