The irony is, is my bike is now set to do no more or less than it was from the box, 17 amps cont and 23 amps max, however the difference the Mod has made, is, I get much more power from 0kph and the same at 42kph.
I consume more watts initially. It's like I squeeze the torque out of the thing rather than just allow the torque to appear.
I do believe on more than a 20 amp shunt would be needed to get better off the mark response. It would get to a point, low shunt resistance at slow RPM may place to much stress on the fets for any benifits to be gleened.
Im going to get 40 amps max and 20 amps cont and make it live for a long time from my internal controller made external with MP no.2.
crosses fingers I don't mess it all up.