I'll see what videos I can come up with for examples.
I remember when I first ran the 16" cast wheel on a standard BMX with widened rear dropouts, when I went for my first ride there was an unbearable clicking/clunking/tonking sound that drove me bananas - on inspecting the wheel under load, the valve cap was hitting on my frame!! Bahhh annoying
Apart from that, the wheels are not 'silent' but present a bit of a groan, whir and whine noise I guess. I will say that riding down a street or bike track people will turn around from a fair distance as they can hear me coming. I like that though !!
Anyway good post
If the spokes are not seated properly I would expect some ticking noise and more of the 'creak' noise when under loud.
Mine groans and clicks slightly under huge load and it doesn't have any spokes! I don't want to do that to my special gal though... Shes too purdy