Author Topic: miniMotor suddenly makes strong noise  (Read 8103 times)

Offline atiron8

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miniMotor suddenly makes strong noise
« on: May 10, 2010, 10:27:38 PM »
I bought a DIY miniMotor cruise controller KIT (order Number 8LT61351L5156945N) and I received it on December 2009. Everything is all right and I am very happy with my KIT.
However, when I was riding my eBike today, my miniMotor suddenly started to make a strange and strong noise.
If I try to turn the throttle on when the ebike is empty (I keep the wheel in the air) it works fine and it does not make any noise.
However, if I try riding my bike and turning the throttle on, the motor starts making a strong and continuous noise. I tried too riding my bike keeping the brakes continuously pressed and any noise appears so it seems to be some electric problem. It is very strange and I am so much worried. What can we do? It is in warrantly period. Can you help me?
I keep waiting for your response.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 05:48:48 PM by atiron8 »

Offline GM Brazil

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Re: miniMotor suddenly makes strong noise
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2010, 10:46:27 PM »
Could be:

Loose magnet

I'm not sure... maybe one faulty hall effect sensor could cause this?

Send Tom a simple and succinct e-mail about the problem, would be good to have a video, to us here, of the behavior you described.

ps.: I deleted the repeated post and moved this one to the correct placement, ok?

I can not find the send button, maybe I moved this topic to a place that is not possible to add new posts. Sorry, I'll try to move it.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2010, 04:37:21 PM by GM Brazil »

Offline GM Brazil

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Re: miniMotor suddenly makes strong noise
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2010, 04:56:22 PM »
Now we have the "reply" back!

Do one more test, try to brake mannualy (or disconnect the brakes cable to the controller): Acellerates the bike with the wheel in the air and soft brakes to see if the noise shows off during load only of the motor torque and not your weight. No need for video :D

This will allow us to know if the problem is related to the ball bearings mostly. But as it runs so silent at the air, should not be gears or loose magnets...
Then if it is electrical I have small experience with this types of problems, someone else here could help better!
« Last Edit: February 25, 2020, 09:15:09 PM by Bikemad »

Offline atiron8

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Re: miniMotor suddenly makes strong noise
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2010, 05:19:45 PM »
I have tried it:
I disconnected the brakes and I acellerate the bike keeping the wheel in the air and when I soft brakes hard the noise appears (if I just brake a few, it does not make any noise). What do you think?

I sent an email to tom on May 11 but he has not answered me yet.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2020, 09:17:32 PM by Bikemad »

Offline Sangesf

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Re: miniMotor suddenly makes strong noise
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2010, 09:01:05 PM »
You better hope he replies before June 9, or he'll say it's out of warranty and you're screwed....
Just like I was.

They are selling an inferior product, and when it breaks, they wait until it's out of warranty to talk to you and then say, sorry... you're screwed after spending $300 on a useless piece of crap, that we should have warned you about, instead of just trying to screw ya, but the Mini-motors have too many problems and have been known to break very easily and if your hall sensors go, you're screwed too, and have to have someone fix the mini-motor, to turn it into a NON freewheeling item, and after you've spent the $75 to $100 to have someone do that for you, you now are smart enough to ever buy another GM product again.

My .02 (and my experience with GM China)

(Oh and forget the fact, that I've had FOUR of the "magic controllers" fail on me. (which they've replaced after much BlTCHING by me)

Oh and @Leslie...

When someone makes a purchase, it should be the seller's responsibility to explain any of the downfalls or limitations of their products.

Not all (or should I say 99%) of us are electrical engineers with 50 years experience working for NASA on the space shuttle or nuclear physicists that work on atomic powered submarines for the Goverment.
Nor should we he expected to fix the problems of inferior products sold to us by a manufacturer.

Not to mention, that you are under the impression that everyone is unaware of how to perform their own quality control and have no clue how to follow simple instructions or be able to do NORMAL repairs to things or simple wiring.

We shouldn't be expected to fix every issue that is inherent in an OBVIOUSLY Inferior product.
If you personally can, that's great but no one should be EXPECTED to have specific knowledge on eletrical motors and every nuance in their operation.  Otherwise, we would build our own and not purchase from a manufacturer that is supposed to be experts in their products.

Would Ford or Chrysler expect the ONLY people to purchase their products to be mechanics?
Of course not!

Nor should those of us who purchase from GM be expected to be electrical motor experts.

Stop acting like everyone that purchases from GM should just take it in stride when their inferior product fails or they send out products before testing them.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 10:58:17 AM by GM Moderator »

Offline Leslie

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Re: miniMotor suddenly makes strong noise
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2010, 12:10:08 AM »
You better hope he replies before June 9, or he'll say it's out of warranty and you're screwed....
Just like I was.

They are selling an inferior product, and when it breaks, they wait until it's out of warranty to talk to you and then say, sorry... you're screwed after spending $300 on a useless piece of crap, that we should have warned you about, instead of just trying to screw ya, but the Mini-motors have too many problems and have been known to break very easily and if your hall sensors go, you're screwed too, and have to have someone fix the mini-motor, to turn it into a NON freewheeling item, and after you've spent the $75 to $100 to have someone do that for you, you now are smart enough to ever buy another GM product again.

My .02 (and my experience with GM China)

(Oh and forget the fact, that i've had FOUR of the "magic controllers" fail on me. (which they've replaced after much BlTCHING by me)

Sangesf.  He says he is very happy and has plenty of warranty left.

Maybe ebikes are not your thing.  

What would you do if your motor failed in 2 years not 12mths?  This ebike thing is sort of for people who want to make progress and get footholds into the future.  Its about time GM cut your the warranty umbilical cord and allow you to make your own way IMO.

Unless you're helping anyone at all to make a proper diagnosis or making positive suggestions to make it better for us "customers" I personally don't want to hear it..  

(Oh and forget the fact, that i've had FOUR of the "magic controllers" fail on me. (which they've replaced after much BlTCHING by me)](Oh and forget the fact, that i've had FOUR of the "magic controllers" fail on me. (which they've replaced after much BlTCHING by me)

I also have some GM dead contollers and some other brands of dead controllers too, quite a few with.  One I overvolted for 6mths another I mixed the connection up with the power and one shorted inside the controller across the fets with water damage because I didnt seal it back up properly.

The GM controllers work fine as long as you don't make any errors or if there is any errors you know your stuff and make the proper diagnosis and repair the problem in the correct  order of the way these systems go..
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 12:33:45 AM by 317537 »

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Offline Leslie

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Re: miniMotor suddenly makes strong noise
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2010, 12:42:50 AM »
I bought a DIY miniMotor cruise controller KIT (order Number 8LT61351L5156945N) and I received it on December 2009. Everything is all right and I am very happy with my KIT.
However, when I was riding my eBike today, my miniMotor suddenly started to make a strange and strong noise.
If I try to turn the throttle on when the ebike is empty (I keep the wheel in the air) it works fine and it does not make any noise.
However, if I try riding my bike and turning the throttle on, the motor starts making a strong and continuous noise. I tried too riding my bike keeping the brakes continuously pressed and any noise appears so it seems to be some electric problem. It is very strange and I am so much worried. What can we do? It is in warrantly period. Can you help me?
I keep waiting for your response.


That motor sounds terrible.  I hear better chain saws.  Do not ride or test your motor any more until you repair.  If the motor fails more, it could lockup and damage the controller too.

Email with a link to this thread.

Be very focussed and short with the email and explain your problem.


Hello, my name is xxxxxx

My minimotor is making a very bad noise.

I post my problem here in forums

I have warranty left and this is my order number and date I received package.  (order Number 8LT61351L5156945N) and I received it on December 2009.

Please advise about a possible repair or return under warranty.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2020, 09:20:03 PM by Bikemad »

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Offline atiron8

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Re: miniMotor suddenly makes strong noise
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2010, 06:36:04 AM »

I mailed Tom 2 weeks ago, and he answered me last week. He said: "If the phase of motor is no problem,I think the gears inside the motor are broken." So I told to him about warranty, but I am still waiting for his response.
I wish everything will be solved.

Offline atiron8

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Re: miniMotor suddenly makes strong noise
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2010, 09:30:09 AM »
Hi again,
 Tom has answered me they are going to resend me a new minimotor. So I only will need to reinstall the spokes.
I am very satisfied with the warranty.
Thanks a lot to every one!

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Fitting the replacement minimotor
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2010, 10:08:04 AM »
So I only will need to reinstall the spokes.

Not necessarily, if the replacement motor is identical, it should be much quicker and easier to undo the cover, remove the internal axle/motor assembly, and fit it into the original hub casing already built into your wheel.
(Assuming the steel toothed ring inside the hub is not damaged and all unwanted bits of nylon gear have been cleaned out first!) ;)


Offline Leslie

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Re: miniMotor suddenly makes strong noise
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2010, 10:47:29 AM »
Tom has answered me they are going to resend me a new minimotor. So I only will need to reinstall the spokes.

Yes I bought 2 GM hubs.  And I swapped the stator between them a few times.

Hey can you please supply some pics of what is making that horrid sound.

Your particular situation with the video would be good for future reference for all the other customers.  To finish off with some pictures and a post of how you fixed it and what actually the problem was would be appreciated.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2010, 10:51:53 AM by 317537 »

Bring it on