Author Topic: Review : Best Thing Since Sliced Bread  (Read 7959 times)

Offline diverdon

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Review : Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
« on: March 23, 2010, 09:11:41 PM »

      Hello , I just came back from my first real ride on the Magic Pie powered bike. It is a Treck Hybrid style the 7500 model if that means anything . I have turned it into a cruiser type bike with wide handlebars and a cushy seat . It came with the "700" size tires which are still on there but have been changed to some kind of "flat proof" road tires holding 80psi..

        I installed the Magic Pie Kit 2-3 months ago and am currently using 4 -12volt SLA batteries 12 AH rated for 48 volts total . I went for a ride when I first built it and crashed . (No fault of the Magic  Pie Kit) bruised/cracked some ribs .. Just my luck . So I have been putting off another ride for 1 reason of another ..

         Today 3/23/10 took it out again and I am sold/hooked and otherwise totally happy with this Magic Pie Kit .. It's great!!!! I am in sorta bad shape so ... I set the cruise control for like 8-9MPH and just petal some to help it along and get "some" exersize .. WORKS GREAT!!! I can stop petaling and let the bike do the work when I get tired or my legs get sore. Also going into the wind is not any big deal either ... NOW!!  I went 12.5 miles and came back with 49.1 volts left . I have the Watts Up meter from my Plane Crashing Hobby hooked up on it . So I can moniter the battery , etc.

        When I petal along the amps being used goes down (of course) It's just cool to me to watch it . and this Regen. Braking? seems to work good .. I don't brake much but from watching the volt meter part it seems to charge plenty from a little braking ...

       Going 12.5 miles the watts up says I used 2.22AH of power and the minimum voltage was 45 volts at 1 time when I opened it up to 24 MPH .. The peak amp load was 25.6 somewhwere there during the ride .. adverage speed was 10.5MPH . I opened it up a little a few times and didn't petal at times just to try to run down the batterys..

        Another thing I like about the Magic Pie is the safety aspect . Traffic is bad here sometimes . I ride on a bike path but when like the bridge was out & I had to ride on the Hiway shortly I could speed around the bad area and get back on the path .. You can also use the slow speed Torque to ride thru shaky spots "gravel,water,etc." without having to petal at all .
    OK This is too long already , I have a question I will post in that section as this is too long already ... Overall I will have to give the Magic Pie a Total 10 out of 10 for everything ..
       Hope this helps someone and will be happy to answer anything I can. Thank You , Don J.  
« Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 12:56:35 AM by diverdon »