Q: Any chance of Variable Regen being implemented on the version II?
A: If you are talking about changing the level of Regeneration, then it would be available by just using the software provided by us. If you are talking about something else then I'm not sure what you are talking about.
Variable regenerative breaking means: be able to control the level of the regenerative WHILE you are breaking. An example:
When you just breaks, the regenerative will works at a standart (or set by usb) level, but if you use the throttle togueter you can set it up to brake softly, in such way that you can keep a high speed, controlled speed, down hill while the regen recharges the battery OR you can set up a low level in such way that you can pedal the bike and recharge the battery a little.
It would be nice if the CC do this automatically - let me explain the idea - For example, now my pie set the CC level by the throttle, not the speed. But if the controller is intelligent enough it will control the speed! Acelerating uphill to keep it and using VARIABLE REGENERATIVE BRAKE downhill to keep the same speed even in a very step down hill. This will be VERY SMART.
And if in the case I use the bracke+thottle to set up certain level of regen and press the CC button, the bike will keep that regen level (no aceleration, juts a small breaking effect) in such way that peddalling will give the battery some juice, want some example??? Here it is!
http://www.epluselectricbike.com/TidalForce_M750_x2pt0_Electric_Bike_Features.phpCheck this from that link:
1.* Through the E+ Advanced LCD display unit, the E+ can be set into one of nine different "fitness" modes which turns the motor into a generator and charges the battery as you pedal. Basically, the higher the resistance the more you charge the battery - become your own human electricity generator!
2.* Each time either brake lever is pressed, the motor is used to help slow the vehicle down through regenerative braking. The energy created by the motor spinning is used to charge the battery as the vehicle slows down.
So, this is what VARIABLE REGEN means and can do, besides the smart CC, smart downhill max speed control, etc - this would be new and never seen in the market!!
I'm sure that the Golden Motor would be much more smart - the LCD could be a bluetooth wireless one, so it will show speed, set up the regen level, or the "fitness level", show battery voltage, Ah consumption, etc. Why I would need to plug my bike to a pc with such a device?
Or even wired to be cheaper and it can be sold separeted, and use the same wires that the usb connection will use - I can chose to have an nice "ebike computer" or to set up this things using the cheaper usb cable.
Just some ideas!!!