I drove up to Rolling hills estates to PEV? bike store.. All they had was half of a kit. They said it was the brushless version which was what I was looking for. But on my return home I found it was brushed version BD-36. But I went and bought batteries etc to try it out.
With 3 12v 12ah batteries it is waay to heavy in my opinion and the max milage is around 13 miles. with speed up to around 22 mph.
So yesterday I ordered a Crystalyte 408 and contacted Sanforce in China for bulk nimh batteries. I was also lucky to find Gru Bee intl. They are direct importers located in Oklahoma. Don Grube did alot of research and legwork and has since moved from Oklahoma to China. His main warehouse is still in Oklahome and hes a pretty cool guy that has designed all his own brushless windings manufactured in china.
Yeah we have a Construction Company
www.drayconstruction.com, a cabinetry company, and we also do political fundraising. Last year I bought 3 cnc machines so the company doesnt really need me around, meanwhile we have 2 offices, one in Santa and one in Costa Mesa, Ca.
The Santa Ana office has 3,000sq feet of office space and 3,000sq feet of warehouse space. I am dedicationg 1,000sq feet of each to the hubs.
The manufacturer of the NIMH batteries is a fairly good price 36V 13 MA for $200 per pack in quantities over 100.
I have a Taiwanese friend and we are each dedicating $20k to try out selling hubs. I did 2 trips to Shenzhen and one trip traveling from Beijing all the way south to Shanghia last year looking for a fun priduct to import.
I really wanted to import the 80cc 2 cycle motor kits, but they are too loud and also the EPA is now forbidding it.
So at this time I am still waiting on the BL-36 (brushless version) and waiting on the Crystalyte 408.
I am not looking to invest in high end, but instead somewhere in the middle, a good strong 36v 350-500w hub kit and lithium batteries.
With the FOB and 100 kits at a time I am looking at around $14k give or take depending upon who I go with
And Nimh batteries 36V 13ah with charger and padded soft pack at close to $25k
But it will be a fun venture