Author Topic: Myelectricbike, this is for attention Golden Motors!!  (Read 24689 times)


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Myelectricbike, this is for attention Golden Motors!!
« on: September 04, 2007, 01:06:13 PM »
I'm taking my REPEAT BUSINESS elsewhere from now on. I've bought eleven of them so far... 9 for business, with an immediate need of 3 more, but I will fill those 3 orders using another companies product just becasue I am that sick of myelectricbike.

Since the first day on this forum I've had to listen to it......electricbike man, whatever your name is......shut the hell up need to be slapped...this forum isn't all about you, and YOU are the reason why this forum sucks bad. Take your narrow, company tagline view, and bury it you know where. No one needs your crap every time they post something. And you can go on your "I work for Golden Motors and I'm the head cheese promoter routine" all you cost Golden Motors sales...period...YOU make people search elsewhere. You can stand on your soapbox, flaming "trolls" all you want....and then they never become owners...because who, in their right mind, would after they try to learn about the product, and any question they ask, they are belittled, told to just shut up and buy it, they're lucky they are even allowed to buy it ( as I'm sure you'd be happier if you were the only Golden Motor owner...don't worry, keep it up, you soon will be).....Who the F*&K DO YOU THINK YOU ARE! PM me your address, next time I'm in the States for a fight, I'll stop by for a warm-up.....


I'm not buying Golden Motor kits anymore...just because of you...faggot. Whoever from Golden Motors is in charge of this forum really needs to get electricbike out of here before they lose all their business....On another forum....when the discussion turned to Golden Motors, EVERYONE said "don't buy one! They are crap, If you try to find out why they are cheap or ask questions, you get yelled at....." There was even some question as to whether the product existed, being so shocked that when he asked a question that people ask before spending hard-earned money on something, he was belittled and told he wasn't allowed to ask any questions because he didn't already own one already.......WTF!?

Are you serious?

Get this jerk out of here, he has ruined the forum for everyone...and I don't care if he was the first guy on the want it soo bad....keep it, talk to yourself all yourself a troll....get mad at anyone else trying to be a distributer and increase the product's visisbility...and all the other crap....

I will mention Crystalyte all I damn well want.....Crystalyte. Crystalyte. Crystalyte. Crystalyte. Now what punk?!!!!!
Don't even allow anyone to even mention the competition or try to draw any comparisons at all...that's how you promote a are soo stupid, it should be illegal. I've sold 9 E-choppers thus far, all with GM's in more...switching to because even though they are more expensive, there are more options to choose from for different applications and speeds. They are promoted by people who actually want you to want their product...not someone who tells you nothing and yells at you if you ask or bring up any kind of comparison or qualm. I don't have to look at this forum to keep selling GM stuff, but, I am penalizing Golden now for allowing you to take over their forum and destroy it and keep people away from wanted to be a part of it or wanting the product at all...when you can't even ask any questions about the product until after you already own it...and then only the questions that elctricbike ALLOWS you to ask.
Again, send me your address, we'll discuss this in person......

The E-Chopper Shop

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Re: Myelectricbike, this is for attention Golden Motors!!
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2007, 02:19:51 PM »
Amazing that you would be unable to remain silient, chopper boy.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2007, 03:33:47 AM by myelectricbike »

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Re: Myelectricbike, this is for attention Golden Motors!!
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2007, 02:55:58 PM »
Friggerand -

Thank you for pointing me to Crystalite... or more accurately to via

I don't know how the two hub motors & accessories compare in practice, but I did find that
e-bikes provides a lot of very useful information.  Their technical descriptions of brushless
permanent magnet motors and controllers and their "simulator" in particular.

As for the dogfight going on here, I've been on some version of the Internet for 30 years
(back to the days arpanet, milnet,  usenet (uucp/uumail/etc.)) and it is inevitable that text-mediated
discussion groups erupt in personality conflicts.  I don't fully understand it but I do accept it.

I really appreciate the engagement, advice and help I have already gotten from each of the
"big dogs" in this fight, so am disinclined to take any "sides" in the scrap going on.

So far, the info gained on complements what I get here.  I don't see any active
discussion group associated with or  I assume some of the players/customers there
actually use *this* forum for discussion.   Despite the regular snarling and snapping, the
quality of information seems high.

It is a lot like going into a good dive-bar... you meet the most interesting people even if some
of them are busy biting the ears of other interesting people!

Can I buy any of you scrappers a beer, hand you a towel?

Carry on!

Offline Dalecv

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Re: Myelectricbike, this is for attention Golden Motors!!
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2007, 04:13:28 PM »

Justin of the site is helpful and the site does provide good information.

You could also checkout a site with more topics than just electric bike motors.

Aww, for the good old days of the internet with text only Gopher sites and ftp for images, not.

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Re: Myelectricbike, this is for attention Golden Motors!!
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2007, 04:21:35 PM »
And Justin just bought several Golden motors so they can't be all that bad... ;D
« Last Edit: September 04, 2007, 04:26:13 PM by myelectricbike »

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Re: Myelectricbike, this is for attention Golden Motors!!
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2007, 02:07:40 AM »

You lost all your credibility the second you used the word "faggot". Extremely unprofessional for somebody that runs an e-commerce site. Remind me never to buy anything from you.

Myelectricbike has helped me with two of my problems now, I'm a newb here and its nice to have somebody to ask about newb problems. So say what you want, he's a helpful dude...

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Re: Myelectricbike, this is for attention Golden Motors!!
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2007, 02:43:54 AM »
Thanks ecyclist!  ;D I very much appreciate the support and hope that I can continue to help everyone but especially newbies who really may need it the most. Thanks!  ;D

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Re: Myelectricbike, this is for attention Golden Motors!!
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2007, 05:36:55 AM »
DaleCV -

Tanks for the EndlessSphere link...

I hit a goldmine of cool sh!t right away...
like this company that makes cordless drills
do new and entertaining things (not that kind
of entertaining, *that* is another site!):

I may just have to skip the hub motors and
hit the flea-markets for old cordless drills
with dead batteries...

As for Friggerand's (mis) use of "faggot" to reference MEB...  I'm guessing Friggerand is British (or somewhere in the Commonwealth) where the connotation is somewhat different. 

Just a guess.


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Re: Myelectricbike, this is for attention Golden Motors!!
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2007, 07:09:40 AM »
Our thanks...

You may live out in the boonies where profanity is common but even if you have 100 PhDs that does not entitled you to come to this site and use such language, as this site is visited by many young kids. You might try using something like "kadiddle" or "horsefeathers" to avoid offending many adults as well as children. Otherwise you need to find a different place to post.

Also, the country in which the server is located dictates the intended meaning, not the country of choice.   

« Last Edit: September 05, 2007, 04:34:21 PM by myelectricbike »

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Re: Myelectricbike, this is for attention Golden Motors!!
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2007, 10:08:29 AM »
I'm guessing Friggerand is British (or somewhere in the Commonwealth) where the connotation is somewhat different. 
Well, yes, but if you strip all the layers off of a fat git you'd probably get a ... 
( before anyone get an attitude, this is a quote from a britcom, Black Adder's Christmas Carol...of course if the shoe fits :) )


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Re: Myelectricbike, this is for attention Golden Motors!!
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2007, 02:56:50 PM »
Oh... boy, I guess *I* have stepped into the "kadiddle" with both feet here!

I apologize to all the children on the list for my inappropriate language.  My 100 PhDs probably addled my brain (It is actually 101, but the last one is strictly honorary for being a smartapple). Or perhaps it was all the fresh mountain air...  or the lack of horns honking, tires screeching, people yelling at each other, garbage rotting in the streets while everyone waits for someone else to figure out what to do about it.  No excuses... mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.  I shall take my penance in the form of rewinding all the starter motors on all the junk cars in my redneck backyard and offering them up here for free.

No excuses for my enexcuseable use of profanity, but just to give you all a better picture of who I am:  All this silence and polite neighborliness gets to me sometimes and I just have to come out with an expletive like "Sh****".   Maybe I should have listened HORSEFEATHERS! to that doctor when he tried to tell me I had KADIDDLE! Tourette's...  "FUDGE!"... "SHINGAURDS!"... "BULWARKS!"

As for Friggerand's use of the "F" word, only Friggerand knows what Friggerand meant, I was just offering to ecyclist who appeared to take his intention to be homophobic, I was just offering that it in some places in the world, such terms have a bit more generic meaning.  It was obviously intended to be dismissive and rude.  It was also a very effective "hit-and-run" as I doubt "the F man" even reads this list or thread... but look at the hornet's nest he's got going here!  "BUGGYWHIPS!"... "SHORTBREAD!"


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Re: Myelectricbike, this is for attention Golden Motors!!
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2007, 03:05:24 PM »
I'm guessing Friggerand is British (or somewhere in the Commonwealth) where the connotation is somewhat different. 
Well, yes, but if you strip all the layers off of a fat git you'd probably get a ... 
( before anyone get an attitude, this is a quote from a britcom, Black Adder's Christmas Carol...of course if the shoe fits :) )


If the shoe fits be aware that assuming it fits or trying to see if fits someone else on this site may be considered solicitaion, especially of childen, which is also not tolerated on this site and a misdemeaner I might add, if not a felony in most states and possibly in the UK as well.

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Re: Myelectricbike, this is for attention Golden Motors!!
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2007, 03:15:19 PM »

So, I'm pretty lazy (those 101 PhDs do tend to bog the ole brain down a bit) and don't feel inclined to go back and gather up all the posts to this forum that support what I'm about to say, or more precisely "ask".

Lots of folks have been down on you for acting like a self-appointed list-owner or moderator and defer to the unseen, unheard Philip (Yao) as somehow the person in charge.

Am I correct in understanding/guessing that you originally set up a server or a system for supporting customer discussions on a system of your own which (only?) GoldenMotor.Com recognized the value of and chose to start a customer forum on/with/under? 

If this is the case, I think all those who claim your role here is strictly self-appointed/annointed are a little off base.   If you were somehow the originator of this system, then I can see why you would be so protective/covetous of it.

So what I'm asking is:  Is this forum literally of your creation (with the help/support/encouragement of Golden Motors/Philip Yao)?

That said (asked), I have to say that your jumping my Shingaurds over the colloquial and innocent use of the term "Shit" (there I go using it again, and I didn't even bump up the font-size or color so maybe the other children on this list won't see it buried in all this adult-talk), reinforces the view that you are a bit erratic. 

Your obvious knowledge and helpfulness cannot be denied even if others here might actually have more/different things to offer (that is the point of public forum in my opinion) that contradicts some of your opinions or knowledge.   Your apparent need to jump *someone* every few posts seems to be what everyone is reacting to.

All the "jumping" and "reacting" (aka "scrapping") makes for a colorful place... as I likened it before to a dive-bar in a strange city... but I wonder if that is really the tone you are seeking (if in fact, this forum is "yours" in the sense I suggest above).

By the way, all the "scrapping" going on here is much less appropriate for children than the occasional use of terms like "sh!t" (and "faggot").

Scrap away...

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Re: Myelectricbike, this is for attention Golden Motors!!
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2007, 03:39:08 PM »

There are as many negative motives for visiting a public forum as there are positive. It is everyone's duty who uses this site to be on guard not to permit anything to transpire which might be harmful to children or offensive to adults. What is allowed to go on here is reflective of the company, myself, other members and Philip Yao.

As for site history this may answer your question.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2007, 03:52:34 PM by myelectricbike »

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Re: Myelectricbike, this is for attention Golden Motors!!
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2007, 03:53:19 PM »
MEB was the originator of the forum.  He is the one who prompted Goldenmotor to create it and he also wrote the current installation guide (see the link in MEB's signature).  He has grand ideas for improving Goldenmotor's perception in the community.  I think he sees c-lyte and their ilk as the overpriced "Nordstroms" fashion brands (overpriced for needless refinement and a "prestige" name), where the goldenmotor is more of a K-mart special (does the job, has a good price/value ratio, but isn't always perfect).

He is obviously protective of his baby.  Unfortunately he does so with all the loving care of a rabid she-bear.  We've watched him lock horns with about 3 to 5 users so far.  Most of the time he is a helpful resource and has been pretty welcoming to technical questions, which is his stated intent for the forum.  Things go south when he perceives an attack on goldenmotor (although the attack sometimes falls between constructive criticism and a gripe), feels he is being contradicted without reasonable evidence, or when a thread is speculative.

I blame the whole David G. Thornton toussle on a brief schizophrenic episode  ;D

Endless sphere has a lot of good discussion, and some of its own flame wars even.  Can't say that I've seen them trash all over goldenmotor's products, just the same warning you'll get from this forum... buying a goldenmotor is a mixed bag.  You get a good price, but be prepared to roll up your sleeves and do some troubleshooting on what you get.