I tried to figure out some of the signals the CA would have to connect to in the BAC circuitry. It took some effort and a good lens to gather all the details. In the following some of my findings, would be helpful if someone could cross check! My BAC says on its sticker MX-48C-EB-D. First I tried to identify the major active components:
- Micro Controller:
; unfortunately the label is scratched off, I have no clue what micro controller hides in the 28pin housing. Nevertheless I indicate the pins to which the signal inputs connect to.
- Power MOSFET (6x STP140NF75): http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/ds/9231/stb140nf75.pdf ; with 75V / 120A these MOSFETs should easily handle the specified 50A. Indeed when heavily loading the controller, we never burnt the MOSFETs but connectors and other items start to desolder! The copper cross section on the circuit board for the main current is not sufficient for heavy duty operation!
- Quad Differential Comparator: http://focus.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm339.pdf ; this is the second largest chip. I presume it defines (with some auxiliary circuit) cut off voltages to shut down the controller at battery low voltage etc. It would be handy to make these thresholds adjustable thus I will search a bit more to figure it out.
- Positive-Voltage Regulator: http://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/257558/WINGS/78L05.html ; internal power supply (+??V) . It is used amongst others as the positive voltage for the pull-up resistors for the Hall elements in the motor.
- Power Transistor: http://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/136488/DAESAN/E13003TO-220.html ; It seems this transistor is used to generate the signal for the horn
Connecting CA:
throttle overrunThe throttle input connects to pin 24 of the micro controller via an RC filter. The 20k (label on the resistor) series resistance should be enough to allow for the CA voltage cap. I will try to make some macro foto to show where to connect to.
shunt resistorThe BAC seems not to measure any of its major currents!! The power section's circuit is very simple and straight forward - no shunt, no anything similar to a current sensor. Thus, according to my investigation, a shunt would have to be added externally!
rpm signalThe input signals from the Hall elements are connected via an RC filter to the pins 08, 20 and 22 respectively of the micro controller. The inputs are pulled-up with 3k resistors. I need first to check what signal requirements the CA has in order to know if it can be connected to one of these inputs. (Or anybody else figures it out?!)
The connector type CA-DP(S) seems not suitable for the BAC as at least the shunt has to be added externally - the CA-SA might be the better choice.
the printed wiring board has 2 layers (front & back). It is SMD technology and seems hand soldered. Some of the soldering and Cu cross sections seem not able to carry 50A and might require some 'tuning' (re-soldering and additional Cu wires).