I have just studied your test results, and all of your voltage readings would appear to be correct.
My next suggestion would be to remove the controller to check that the 6 pin hall sensor connector is properly fitted and that non of the crimped sockets have been dislodged from the connector housing during the recent controller swap:

If the DC-DC inverter had somehow allowed a high voltage pulse to damage the controller, I'm wondering whether the hall sensors may have also been damaged at the same time.

If you connect the battery and then check the signal voltage on each of the Yellow, Green and Blue wires on the 6 pin connector, you should have a reading which regularly alternates between 5V and 0V as the wheel is turned very slowly by hand.
If all three signal wires produce the correct 0V, 5V, 0V, 5V... when the wheel is turned, then the hall sensors are obviously working correctly.
However, if you have a continuous reading within the 0 to 5V range which
does not change when the wheel is rotated, this would be a good indication that the hall sensor has failed.
If all three hall sensors are all still working properly, I would say that the replacement controller
(or its wiring harness) is faulty.
You could check for continuity between the green throttle signal wire which goes from the "
sb" connection on the controller's
PCB to the top hole where the paper clip was inserted on the 8 pin socket.
If continuity on the throttle signal wire is OK, then the problem must be within the controller unit itself.
One more suggestion, as your battery gauge LEDs are lighting up it's easy to assume that the battery is working OK, but I have heard instances where a non running motor problem had been traced to a battery fault, even though the throttle LEDs were all lighting up correctly!
I know it seems unlikely, but could the DC-DC converter have somehow damaged the battery's

It might be worth trying another battery if you have access to one, or even connecting a hair dryer
(or mains voltage electric fire etc.) to you battery and checking you have current flowing.
Please let us know what you find.