Author Topic: Casted Dual Drive ;)  (Read 16537 times)

Offline Leslie

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Re: Casted Dual Drive ;)
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2010, 09:04:05 AM »
We never did that stuff as we were sort of the old school who just started to experiment with different stunts.

To this day I never thought some of the things they do and we dreamed of could be done,  We had the dirt trck with massive jumps, cross ups and pancakes and high jumping and long jumping were the order of the day I managed to ride backwards.  Do foot plants and 10ft drop offs.

One jump was cool.  It was a massive pine bark pile and we set some boards up along it. I had the lowest gears so I could get way further than most.  I think I could do over 15 meters on that thing and the landing was in the pine bark.  Excellent :D.  The other jump was scary,  It was a mound of dirt we rode down hard and it was a good4 meters high fast incline and slow decline on the back of the jump.

After a few spills especially that one above I tell of I lost my nerve and started stacking all the time. I gave it up for a good guitar and surf board.  24ft waves were even safer for me.

I was very accident prone and since 9mths I have scares from top to bottom.   Yeah I pulled a jug on me when I was 9mths old and had my fore arm and lower bicep fuse together and it had to be separated. At 4 year old I put the same arm into an electric clothes wringer and it stopped pulling my arm in below my elbow then proceeded to friction burn my the skin there unit I was saved by my cousin.

I used to try blow cars up by throwing matches down the fuel tanks in neighbors cars and almost burnt the shed down trying to make volcanoes out of petrol and sand at 5 yo.  

By the time I was 15 my mother was on prescription drugs sinequan so she could sleep.  She didnt understand, we had Aspergers syndrome running through the males in my family and I don't think knowing about this disability would of help much.

LOL danger was my second name.  Much stupidity was my third name. :D

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Offline Sundsvall

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Re: Casted Dual Drive ;)
« Reply #31 on: September 13, 2010, 09:21:11 AM »
Don’t get me wrong as I don’t think it’s funny that you were hurt, but that’s a very funny reading. I really had a good laugh when I read it and the answer to my question seems to be YES!!! ;D
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Offline MonkeyMagic

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Re: Casted Dual Drive ;)
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2010, 09:58:29 AM »
Haha it kind of has a ring to it

"Leslie Danger Stupidity"


Wow well at least you have some stories to tell ya grand kids true!

Hey Peter how you been mate, here is a link I got mine just like a heap of other stuff from ebay lol

That link is about $20 cheaper than I got mine too so I didn't like seeing that!

It is a really nice trunk (or as we call 'boot' in Australia), is waterproof and would be good for storage but no so much batteries in there or anything else valuable as you could literally rip it off the parcel rack being plastic and all.

So many accessories I have that have not been used, I'm sure if anyone has an idea for anything I have some input for it !


Offline MonkeyMagic

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Re: Casted Dual Drive ;)
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2010, 10:10:15 AM »
OH how could I nearly forget???

WOWWWW okay, so I plugged the front wheel into the PC and modified the regen. Upon connecting I noticed the battery voltage was set at 24v, thinking I had already set that to 48v previously I changed this.

The bike was then very smooth. Both wheels set at 48v, they do seem to have funny operation at extremely low speeds however at full depress of the throttle acted fine.

I rode it around late last night in the empty streets, only having regen as my brake I had to be extremely careful. I was somewhat overall satisfied with the dual drive, and my smile stayed on my face.

Today is another story....

At work I thought to myself (as one dreams about their pie at home haha what's wrong with me?? lol) anyway, I thought "Hey why would it have so much torque before but seem to be smooth now?" that pointed me back to the voltage settings.

So when I got home my battery was full charge, went for a sneaky ride around in 48v and noticed I'd say an 'moderate' increase in uphill torque and speed. I went up a pretty steep hill and was still fast enough for me to spin out pedalling. That was a good sign.

The point of my story? Well after the first ride, I came back and set them both to 24v HOLEY CRAP this thing absolutely launches like a drug dealer in a police raid! I went for a bit of a spin, this I guess follows a post I made about changing the voltage to 36v and noticing more torque. I never went for a spin on 24v with single drive so I guess I never knew...

So anyone who was bothered reading my novel above, the moral of the story is - if you have the USB cable, change the voltage settings more-so than the amp, max current settings and see if you like that change.

This thing accelerates uphill now, and the thought of modifying is gone but I'm not sure of the range and speed differences etc.

If anyone has a meter hooked up to their pie (if u have dual drive and single battery even better) but it would be good to get some different current and speed ratings from the voltage selection.

MASSIVE difference... All this typing has made me want to take it out again... lollllll I wonder what both wheels spinning in mud is like to control?


Offline Leslie

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Re: Casted Dual Drive ;)
« Reply #34 on: September 14, 2010, 12:49:51 PM »

Thats got me thinking.

When you use lower volt batteries the resistance may impede the current somewhat and the PWM frequency is speed up to compensate to make the current adjustment to buffer the offset, Id be interested to find out what the forward voltage is of the front end switcher regulation is too.

I always thought that this voltage settings were for the controller LVC.  It seems to change a few more things about the controller.

Thanks for sharing,

Bring it on

Offline MonkeyMagic

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Re: Casted Dual Drive ;)
« Reply #35 on: September 14, 2010, 03:22:08 PM »
I noticed something else today,

Will be taking it apart on the weekend but when I disconnect power from the rear pie, the front throttle doesn't work but the pie doesn't beep. So I must have hooked it through a single 5v circuit (rear wheel)

Anyways could be the reason why I have erratic slow speed throttle. My belief was the throttle sensor was just a analogue voltage reference. When riding I'm quite sure I get full throttle voltage signal but I will test this tomorrow just in case.

Full throttle & speed on a flat you can notice the wheel speed top out only when the ground declines a bit so maybe I have a couple of points off 4.2V throttle signal. I don't think it would have a problem topping out with both wheels running.

Also, today I was using cruise control and the front motor cut out for some reason. I thought 'what the hell this feels crap' and I noticed I was only running the rear wheel. Anyways at the traffic lights I unplugged and plugged the front motor power connector and it was fine again.

The front motor does not spark when connecting the power, but the rear one does and always has even running 1.

If someone was looking for a cast wheel type then I would 100% recommend the front motor. So much less trouble and it feels much better having the bike 'pulled' rather than pushed.

I'm going to fit torque arms on the front forks but I honestly don't think it needs them. Regen is only at 20% and the wheel fits so snug it was meant to be

I'll give it maybe another month before I pull open the rear one and change it to external controller and run 96V with 2 ping battery packs

Okay so what are thoughts on 2 x 48v packs in series for the rear wheel, and the front running off 1 of the 48v packs?
I can see this turning into 2 x external controllers and both wheels at 96v haha maybe I will wait until my warranty runs out