Author Topic: Why not fully load your battery pack... and use it much longer!  (Read 4770 times)

Offline StadsImker

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Why not fully load your battery pack... and use it much longer!
« on: December 30, 2016, 06:26:19 AM »
Hello everyone,

Last week I bought an extra battery pack for my old transport bike. I did that because I needed some more engine power. And it succeed!

This let me to do a lot of reading about charging battery-packs. It bvecame clear to me that charging battery-pack to the max is not so good as charging to 90%.

I use LiFePO4 cells from headway (40152 15 Ampere per cell) Normally it will be charged until 3,55 volt to 3,65 volt. Because I didn't found a good BMS at my headway seller. I ordered only the cells... and desided to charge this second pack manually. And It's a lot of work.... But you also learn a lot about your charging pack.

At the beginning the charge will go slow.... every 10th volt takes a longtime. But when you get to 3,4 or around that voltage things go quick...  With other words after 3,4 the cels do not hold a lot of electrons.

That made me wonder why try to get the battery cells to the max? Charging to the maximum level of charge gives the cell and so the lifepo4 a lot of stress. Avoiding stress is the best way to preserve a battery pack. So why not stop charging at 3,40 volt. I think it will make your cells 40% more durable....

LiFePO4 has 2000 cycles until it really declines.... In time it could be 12 to 20 years.... What will happen if the cells don't charge to the max but to 90% I think/hope to get perhaps 15 years or perhaps 25 years.

When I ride my bike I see the voltage drop from full to 3,40 volt in the first kilometer of cycling. And when I come home I have still a lot of power... oft around 3,26 volt. So why fully charge and give battery-pack stress...

Does any one has experiance to change the charger to lower voltage and what will happen with the BMS? Can I change vallues on that too? Or is it better to lose the BMS?

Let me know what you all think!


Love to ride my 60 year old Dutch Transport Bike, with MP5 and 24 volt 30 A LiFePO4 Headway battery-pack. Dec 2016 upgraded with two solar panels mono of 190 WP each and an extra 24V-30A (40152 8S2P) to get 48volts for the Magic Pie 5.

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Why not fully load your battery pack... and use it much longer!
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2017, 03:02:52 PM »
Hi Philip,

Most BMS boards will only balance the cells when they reach their maximum voltage (Top Balancing), so if you use a lower maximum charging voltage, then the individual cells can become unbalanced over time.

You could make up a simple plug in adapter which would drop the voltage for general charging to a lower voltage, and could simply be removed (or bypassed with a switch) to occasionally balance the cells with a full charge.

I would suggest using some 10A diodes connected in series on the positive side of the charging supply:

The voltage drop across a single diode is typically ~0.6V, so three diodes in series should reduce the 29.2V output from your charger (8 cells @ 3.65V per cell) to ~27.4V on the charging lead output (giving an average maximum voltage of 3.425V per cell), or four diodes in series should reduce the 29.2V to ~26.8V (3.35V per cell).

Leaving your BMS connected will still ensure that any out of balance cells cannot inadvertently become overcharged or overdischarged.
