Author Topic: False flag and conspiracy theories.  (Read 8085 times)

Offline Leslie

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False flag and conspiracy theories.
« on: August 19, 2013, 07:19:23 PM »
Why do Americans attack Americans and blame someone else?

Sorry just kidding.  This isnt a conspiracy theory, Im always are interested in facts.

A few days after the WTC buildings crashed in 2001 there was another attack against the USA, this was weaponized anthrax attacks, the zionist media tried very hard to blame Iraq, and even the west invades Iraq based on such an attack.

It gets hard to Ignore that the US government did use the 2001 anthrax attack as the pretext for the Iraq invasion, but it turns out, America has attacked itself again in an effort to start wars with other countries..

It was all about WMD,s and Sadams  bio weapons. Bull droppings as usual.  Lied to my face, and this I shall never forget, as youth and innocents have died upon those those lying words..

They wont tell you there was no anthrax in Iraq, not like the deady stuff America grows and stock piles everywhere, they will you WMD's were not there, because you know where all he WMD's bioweapons are, thats right,  In America.   We so busy chasing ghosts in the world with bioweapons, we only need to look in our own backyard and the west has the largest and most complete collection megalomaniac criminals and theives.

Do we need to intervene, invade the USA because America has WMD'S and has used these weapons carelessly, , they cant even trust their own service men why shouyld we trust them at all,
Apply 20/20 hind sight, the USG can not be trusted.. So why should we be supporting people who pay tax to such a corrupt and ugly entity. 

Like didnt we the "West Allies" steal he A bomb from he Germans, because we were scared they were going to like use it and stuff, and the Americans couldnt wait to pollute the world with this sh!t, young allies were prepared to die for their country just so we could Bomb Hiroshima and have Fukashima.  The Germans had a better handle on it IMO, usually the inventor "Germany" of such a thing understands the meaning of its invention, and the thief USA, doesnt know how to use it properly.

Germany and Russia was already more responsible with Nuclear material than Americans have ever been.  Biggest mistake we as a people ever made in history, was to give the biggest free thinking retarded American the most dangerous substance ever invented.

80 million people dies in World War 2  so America can destroy the world with its very crappy nuclear energy standards and stolen patents.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 07:36:55 PM by Leslie »

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Offline Leslie

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Re: False flag and conspiracy theories.
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2013, 07:57:10 PM »
Working for Wikileaks for a time, you get a unique perspective, you get to read stuff people aint allowed to read, or don't want to read, some enjoy their form of ignorance authorized, and the reason why you aint allowed to read the secrets, isnt because of national security, it is because the government is fulled to the top of rich egotistical greedy filthy rich business men, who will get your whole nation in trouble, have your children die in a wars for centuries, over some bad business deal.  Most of the the so called "top secrets" are only embarrassments and cover up war crimes.

Trust me America, has not got anything special to hide. American secrets are simply not that important to me to keep, too much war crime hidden inside all of their classified files, it has to be opened up.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 08:01:41 PM by Leslie »

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Offline AdamB

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Re: False flag and conspiracy theories.
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2015, 08:14:10 AM »
Leslie, with respect... I know you are like myself... Jaded after watching endless corruption & being ignored/abused for speaking the truth... Hurt & alone...

I know because I was like that too... I know as I am watching the hour glass of my life slipping away because of that corruption, so you'll be hard pressed to find someone more sympathetic then me...

But I learned long ago that it's very important to never say anything that I can't unconditionally prove & that is impossible to have any alternate explanation & that there is not something that can be meaningfully be done about it!

Yelling about 9/11, no matter who is ultimately the guilty party is never going to make people take notice or want to support you in change... Too many people suffered horrific losses to make that subject anything less then impossible to touch...

Alternatively, in Canada our government has admitted they knowingly tortured/committed crimes against humanity in the program MKULTRA. Even going so far as to continue funding/operating it after the USA pulled out funding & publicly acknowledged that it was completely wrong! Even the guilty parties have admitted their actions publicly & in court...

I can prove every single word of that! It is public record! Yet almost no one knows anything about it & if they know anything, they never guess Canada complicity!

Another option, I know people claim (without independently verifiable proof) that they have discovered the cure for AIDs or cancer but are intentionally hiding it to protect corporate profits but neither of us can prove that...

But on the other hand, I CAN PROVE beyond any shadow of a doubt that we had found a way to cheaply cure/prevent many infections but the drug companies began losing massive profits on antibiotics & the like, so they made the FDA illegally shut down the company to protect their profits...

How do I know/prove that? Well 1st, as a medical professional, I was lucky enough to use it for myself & my patients. I was lucky enough to see the actual FDA documents, independent testing & the various meta-studies proving it all... I was lucky enough to have direct contact with the company throughout their rise & eventual unconscionable destruction!

More then that I was lucky enough to save diabetic patients' limbs, I was able to treat gangrene, I was able to treat infections resistant to everything else, I was able to do a lot...

Fortunately, I was also lucky enough to have my life saved/preserved by it... I have a rare disorder that means any infection can kill me but almost all the anti-infective therapies will also kill me... Catch 22... If not for it, I'ld be dead countless times over...

Shortly before the end, I got 1 of the last 1gal bottles on the market... I fought tooth & nail for the Canadian government to take action to prevent this tragedy but they knowingly refused!

Now to the best of my knowledge, I have the last bottle in existence, once it's gone, there's no more! It's almost empty & when it's gone, I will die... It's as simple as that!

I am watching my time/life slip away like sand in a hour glass... If I can't force people to pay attention... I will die & the answer to millions & millions of people's prayers will die with me!

To be clear, I can prove beyond any doubt what I am saying... & that's why I am saying it. I could fight windmills & it might even be justified but NO ONE WILL LISTEN!

On the other hand, if I give them something incontrovertible, undeniably true, that has a real meaningful impact for us all... AND give them something they can actually do about it... Then they will want to hear & they will fight!

Perhaps you are right about 9/11... I don't know & can't say but I can say that it's not a subject you can win with... It just doesn't fall into the category of something that can't be doubted or denied & that people can do anything about if true!

I hope you understand... I am not trying to attack you or offend you... I am just offering my experience fighting windmills & actually accomplishing things! You can take or leave anything here you want!

Personally, I would prefer to bring people together to accomplish something useful, then to divide us no matter how true/right! It is that division that they want... Divided we will fail & they win... Together nothing can stop us!

That's all I wanted to say... If you want to talk further, feel free to contact me directly. I don't want to piss off our hosts here & lose my only chance to get mobile again! If I have offended them, I'm sorry...

It was not my intent & I did try to show restraint, respect & care with my words. However I'm not kidding, I can prove what I said... If those in charge here want I can provide evidence to support my statements here.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2015, 08:24:39 AM by AdamB »

Offline Dangwillo

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Re: False flag and conspiracy theories.
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2015, 02:43:03 AM »
Why do American's attack themselves them blame someone else?  Because we were founded by Freemasons, who took their orders form their Zionist masters (bankers who financed the revolution and slave trade, and eventually gangster rap and the prisons to go along with them). 

9/11 was a joint operation of Mossad and CIA(Skull and Bones).  The American people have no idea how they have been played since WW2.  Consider this: Miles Copeland, founding member of the CIA with his British spy wife, and their sons: Stu and Miles Jr;  Stu would go on to form the band The Police, and Miles the management company CIA.  The whole entertainment industry is full CIA mind control.  Kind of weird that Jim Morrison's Dad is the guy who called in the fake attack that started the Viet Nam war?  It is sad that the world is controlled by a small group of self loathing perverts who hate humanity and see us as chattel to be herded with fear.   

So what is your point?  It has always been this way somewhere and sometime.  Rome was permitted to burn, gangs prevented people from putting out the fire while Nero played the fiddle, and Obama goes golfing.  Get it?  Trying to be a good person to those that you care about is more important than dealing with world problems.  This is one of the great ironies of living  in a first world nation- you have time to learn to hate yourself. 

Wilileaks is also a false flag; a psyop of mostly useless information which was already accessible ; come on some tranny stole all those documents on a lady gaga cd?