the wire from the battery is rated for 100A. There are no bulges, heat marks or any other type of indication that the system is failling or has failed due to this.
all connections are made according to the PDF relesed by golden motor. any solder joint was made using the higest grade materials, and using proven techniquies. I regularily use this type of equipment in my other hobby... so I am sure the connections are correct, and proper.
I have a nice digital volt meter, and I know how to use it
I have not had this working recently, it was tested almost a year ago, and lkeft due to other projects and commitments. The parts are as listed. Mini motor, controller and thottle. all golden motor equipment, all new.
the red wire, on the seat is not part of the system. It is the cable that connects to the switch, which I have bypassed. it is not required, and as you can see from the video, the lights are on, but no body is home.....
I plan to test the hall sensors by following the methods described above.
I don't find you a bully, or pedantic... I just want my e-bike to work. any help is appreciated