Author Topic: EZkontrol Skid Steer Vehicle  (Read 5875 times)

Offline Dkoutras

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EZkontrol Skid Steer Vehicle
« on: December 19, 2024, 09:36:30 AM »
Hello everyone,

I have constructed a skid steer, tracked vehicle, for agricultural applications, using 3 x HPM-10 Kw motors (one motor for left tracks, one motor for right track and the last for the PTO (Power Take Off)). In order to control them, I used a VESC 75/300 esc. I am considering fro the new version of my vehicle to use the EZkontrol 48V. But I have the following question: The signal that controls the esc will be a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation), at 1500[ms] I want the motor to stay idle, at 2000[ms] it should go full throttle ahead, at 1000[ms] it should go full throttle on reverse. Is there a way to program that behaviour via the EZkontrol app? Also, does the EZkontrol (48V - 1000A) comes callibrated for the HPM-10kw?

Please let me know about your experiences!

Offline Bikemad

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Re: EZkontrol Skid Steer Vehicle
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2024, 09:23:31 PM »
Hi andto the forum.

I don't have access to any of the EZ controllers, so I don't know what throttle programming options might be available within the Android EZ-Tune App.

The GM site states,"There are hundreds of programmable control parameters for you to play around and fine tune your drive system to satisfy your expectations!"
However, I previously tried installing the App on my Android phone to see what options would be available, but without being able to actually connect to a controller there was absolutely nothing for me to see. :-\

Unfortunately, I also don't know whether the the EZ-B481000 controller comes already calibrated for the HPM-10kW motor, it might be worth contacting your GM dealer/supplier directly.

If anyone else on the forum has any experience with the EZ controllers they may be able to assist you with some "more helpful" information.
