Author Topic: Help Needed: Fixing Error 2 on Magic Pie 5 E-Bike  (Read 2970 times)

Offline Ameriks

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Help Needed: Fixing Error 2 on Magic Pie 5 E-Bike
« on: December 01, 2024, 08:16:33 AM »
Hello everyone,

I recently encountered an Error 2 on my Magic Pie 5 electric bike, and I'm looking for some guidance on how to diagnose and fix the issue.

Here's what I've done so far:

    Tested the motor with a different controller to see if the issue persisted—unfortunately, it did.
    Disconnected everything and left only display connected

Despite these efforts, the error still persists. I would greatly appreciate any advice or troubleshooting steps you could share, especially if you've experienced and resolved this issue before.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Help Needed: Fixing Error 2 on Magic Pie 5 E-Bike
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2024, 12:59:20 AM »
Hi Ameriks andto the forum.

Error 2 on the BAC-601 smart display indicates a throttle fault. Replacing the throttle with another working one would be the easiest way to confirm if it's just a failed throttle.

It might be worth trying it with the throttle connected but with the brake connectors disconnected and see if you still have the same problem.
If the error disappears, try plugging in the brake connectors one at a time to see which one is causing the problem.

If the throttle cable has been trapped, chaffed or strained, there could be a break somewhere inside the wires or even a poor soldered connection on the throttle's Hall Sensor.

If the fault occurred during a ride in wet weather, perhaps some water has found its way into either the throttle unit or the 5 pin throttle connector or even the main 10 pin connector, as this might also be able to cause the error 2. Visualy check that all connectors are still nice and dry and also make sure that no pins have been accidentally bent on any of the connectors during your testing.

The +5V output from the controller that powers the Throttle's Hall Sensor can sometimes fail completely (or simply become too low) so you might want to take a look at this post to see how to check the +5V output from the controller.
I realise that you've already tried another controller, but if there was a problem with the bike's wiring it may have affected the +5V supply.
