Greetings all,
We have three recumbent trikes- a TerraTrike Rover tandem equipped with a BBSHD, aTerraTrike Traveler equipped with a Nuvinci N380 hub mounted on a 24" wheel, and a Catrike 559 equipped with a Rohloff hub and a Schlumpf High Speed Drive. I want to add a front hub motor to both the Traveler and the 559 since I want to keep the the current hubs. My questions are:
1) is this relatively easily accomplished?
2) Is this feasible/advisable?
3) Are there specific issues or considerations I need to attend to?
4) What is the likelihood that I can maintain the foldability of the two trikes?
5) Might there be alternate/better options for adding electric assist to these trikes?
6) Roughly speaking, how much is it likely to cost me for a complete nicely equipped kit for each of these builds?
Thanks in advance for everyone who responds to this post.
Mike (aka TrikeBirder)