Hi Avant.....
I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but you are wasting your time worrying about getting cancer from your Pie.
EM wavelength is the speed of light divided by the signal frequency. As frequency goes down, wavelength increases. The Magic Pie power pulses are in the kilohertz range.
To efficiently radiate electromagnetic signals, the transmitting antenna is required to be a significant fraction of the wavelength to be broadcast. The kilohertz waves are miles long. The wiring of your Pie would make an extremely poor radiator of the kilohertz waves from the current pulses through your motor. And your body makes a comparably bad receiving antenna. Feel free to purchase your own test equipment and prove me correct.
If you are really worried about danger, WHF are you doing riding an electric bike! Or any bike, for that matter. Do you have any clue how many people are injured riding bikes? I think there were 30,000 traffic fatalities in just the US last year! In nice safe cars that don't tip over all by themselves!
Now go have a nice long ride and start worrying about real problems. Like water pollution, climate change, the food chain, ........