That is what I was afraid I thought you meant. Your English is fine, by the way.
I am really concerned that the motor is turning. That seems to me to be an indication that the controller is allowing a pretty good current flow, at least more than I would expect to be drawn by the logic circuits. (And I have never seen a BAC-0282P and am totally ignorant of its specifics.) Does it make any torque? If it is in really good condition, a motor may turn under no load with very low current, but can't make any torque.
I would not hook up the controller and 44V battery at this point. As Alan pointed out, reverse polarity to the controller makes the FET diodes conduct, and by using your 24VDC motor as a load you are limiting the current to a reasonable value, and probably doing no harm. But if you hook up that 44V battery, and it is the wrong polarity, there probably will be damage to the controller and battery as well.
You really need a voltmeter to be sure about the polarity. I'm afraid for you.
Can you show us how the 6Vbattery and LED were connected? One side of the LED base normally is flattened to indicate how to hook it up. Please note that in a drawing, if you can. How bright was it?