I have the same problem.
I've had my Golden Motor 36V/500W kit for about 2,5 months now, and has been great!
Just last Friday, things changed. It suddenly started shuddering when I applied the throttle, and would only go very slow. I tried riding it and using the throttle, and it seemed to go a little faster, then it went perfect for about 1 minute and suddenly got really heavy.
I checked the wiring, and noticed one of the 3 thin wires (I believe connected to the throttle control) was not connected properly. The green middle one. When I reconnected, the bike still had a shuddering or resistance problem. I disconnected everything, and rode the bike home, but it still had some resistance from the motor.
Now, when I turn on the bike, the controller doesn't nothing, and if I attempt to move the bike, it has a lot of resistance. It seems to be fighting itself, like trying to go back and forth at the same time!?
I checked all my connections and it all seems fine.
At the moment the bike seems to be dead. I not have a signal.
I checked in the weekend in golden motor forum, and I see how to check if the problem is on the motor or controller.
http://goldenmotor.com/SMF/index.php?topic=358.0After I check, the problem is on the controller. All the HALL SENSORS are responding, and if I disconnected the controller I don't have any resistance on the motor.
Please help!
The controller is different from that one on the picture. I don't see any diode.