Author Topic: Anti-Theft setting? I can't understand, has anybody understood it?  (Read 13992 times)

Offline jimabbott

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Re: Anti-Theft setting? I can't understand, has anybody understood it?
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2010, 09:25:14 PM »
Your from Brazil! lucky you, it must be Summer there, back here in the UK we are in the middle of one of the coldest Winters in 50 years, and allthough my bike with the Magic Pie is ready I have NOT been able to ride it because of deep snow and icey roads :(


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Re: Anti-Theft setting? I can't understand, has anybody understood it?
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2010, 09:45:02 PM »
Yeah, a hell hot 42ÂșC under a shadow, and I do not have an Air conditioner! :D Let's see how the Magic Pie will dissipate all the heat from a 110kg rider plus bike here!

Snow look so beautiful and nice when I see it on television here, but looks like it sucks in reality, lol. I would not like to be in your position: New toy and not able to play with it!