Author Topic: Front Wheel Motor - My impressions  (Read 18979 times)

Offline iron_monkey

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Re: Front Wheel Motor - My impressions
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2007, 03:24:59 AM »
So, according to you, low profit equals low customer service. ??? I HIGHLY disagree becauseWal-Mart operates on this very principal of low profit per item and yet they have great customer service!! I do acknowlege the distance between China and the final product markets however this does not excuse ignoring emails and customer complaints!!! I do agree setting up this forum  was (and still is) a great idea to idea to deal with small problems and make suggestion for product (and packaging)  to improve the overall quality of the entire kit!!  Low price plus great quality = even more profit and happy repeat customers. :)
Walmart is low profit margin but operates on high volume. Here you are making miniscule orders to a company that usually deals with huge orders. There is little benefit for them to have support for you, labour costs are expensive. By directly dealing with you they are already bending over for you.

Let alone the fact they are a supplier, not a retailer like walmart where customer service is alot more critical.

I had to make this reply as I want more chinese factories to directly deal with customers and cut the middleman. I just want the product. This demand for technical support discourages them from doing so.

If you want customer service/warranty/etc; buy from the middleman, thats what they are there for. 
« Last Edit: August 17, 2007, 03:28:59 AM by iron_monkey »

Offline myelectricbike

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Re: Front Wheel Motor - My impressions
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2007, 04:53:50 AM »
Tech support is non-existent at Wal-Mart and you know it. Wal-Mart stopped selling No-More_Flats because it took the guy in the bike department an hour to put one on or 30 minutes with damage to the tube, tire and to the rim, whereas a person who knows how can do in 5 minutes.

Most retail stores will provide minimal tech support but if you really need more than that Wal-Mart, Home Depot and Radio Shack as examples simply offer a refund or exchanges as their primary method of customer service. Just as with No-More-Flats now sold by Bell Wal-Mart bike guys do not have a clue that you need a steel frame for a motor and not an alloy one.

I therefore prefer spending the time to do the research so I can do the job right and be able to pay less for the product although more for shipping but in the end it depends on how everything adds up rather than a fixed rule. Other wise I would loose money in some cases by not buying retail and getting the clerk to help me find the right product versus losing money by ordering the wrong product knowing there is no way the factory can or will be able to handle a return or exchange.

Bottom line: options are great if they are constantly tested. Otherwise there is no more than a 50/50 you will save time or money whatever option you follow.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2007, 05:29:27 AM by myelectricbike »


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Re: Front Wheel Motor - My impressions
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2007, 05:40:05 AM »
Both of you are wrong..

China well the large cities are much faster paced than us. I suggest you spend 6 months searching for products there then explain their economy and how they work.

1. The Chinese do things much like Mexico there is a guy up top padding his pockets and grunts under him/her usually living in the factory compound making a dollar or two a day.

2. If you get any customer service from them consider yourself lucky. They do not feel bad about sending out bad or non working parts/pieces as long as they get paid. It is almost like they have no forethought of the future. Its the same service there for the locals or who ever buys kits etc, Unless you are holding money over their head like a big account.

3. They live totally different than us and can care less for the most part on how we do business.

4. They have an odd sense of business , BUT it works in their culture. its always cheaper, cheaper cheaper.

5. Americans (for the most part) Will pay almost anything for high quality.

6. If you want something on the cheap and know enough about the product to fix it if it is shipped bad then by all means buy from China.

7. If you need customer support and handholding then buy bionx for $1200

We usually don't run across quality problems in our society a product is a product. Apple or PC.

In china there are 4 qualities for everything.

food has a #1, #2, #3, and a #4 quality.
all products are the same they all have different qualities. Not all products are created equal.

China is completely different from all of Asia. The Chinese do business different from western countries.

The number one thing to remember is that Chinese can care less about the rest of the Western World, they have no desire to be like us and they don't want to nor do they have to conform to the way we do business.

Philip does very very well for himself and has no headaches with customer support, demanding customers, stupid customers.

He manufatures a good middle end e-bike kit that costs him around $45-$50 to produce and thats the way he likes it, don't waste your time trying to change China to the US they are their own country.

People that havent traveled think that every country looks at us the way we do as the #1 country in the world and everyone should follow our lead. They laugh at this and continue to do business the way that they have for hundreds of years.

Because we are American or Canadian or whatever does not mean we are special or that they are. But believe it or not they do not think as we do, they do not do business as we do and will not.

If I had $300k to spare for a campaign I could put every single Californian on an e-bike, I can truely see this. But working directly with the Chinese is not an easy task. I can buy a container load from Philip then the next day he wants to charge me full price for a pack of NIMH batteries lol..

You can spend all day telling them why thats dumb but they will never understand, they will never get it and they can care less.

If someone here was to start a small campaign... TV, You Tube, create a huge Buzz.. Then went to Philip with a large order  to be created to YOUR specifications you would get a flawless top quality product.

Then they would fill your order to your specifications then go right back to making middle end products.
Its kind of hard to explain but say for instance you were building a house from the ground up, I personally would buy middle end to high end all the way through. But the chinese buy low low end for everything then for the finishes they would go mid to low and grind them on their prices lol..

Its just a different culture, they calculate everything, screws, wire, even damn rusty spring that hangs out of the hub lol.

I am ranting lol because I have been banging my head against the wall for years dealing with the chinese.

Good luck!
 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Offline Dalecv

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Re: Front Wheel Motor - My impressions
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2007, 06:09:54 AM »
Interesting comment especially with the lead paint on the Mattel toys thing happening right now. The factory manager commits suicide and his friend who sold him the paint has disappeared with the profits. Definitely a different culture.

I do like how the one guy who tainted the tooth paste was dealt with. I think it took the government about a week to execute him. I just wonder if the fellow they executed was really the one who was responsible.

Offline myelectricbike

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Re: Front Wheel Motor - My impressions
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2007, 09:03:16 AM »
Geezzz... Sounds like Dante's Inferno.

Here are the comments my last customer made after I failed to get a quote for him from the factory...

I am so sorry for the lack of interest of the manufacturer... I have decided
to buy a Cyclone chain

It is more expensive than Golden Motor but since it is chain driven it may
be upgraded in
the future (when large capacity batteries are cheaper) And I can install it
in a bike with disk brakes, I
can change gears... And they offer 5-15 days lead time.

Thanks for your time.

followed by...

I have some experience with chinese businessmen (in the PRC and outside) and
have experienced all
the flavours of conducting business with chinese people (from inviting me to
their company owned hotel to shouting at me because they were busy...)

The people from Cyclone just answered an e-mail I sent them in minutes ...
(and the time there now is...well...  a bit late in the evening :-) )
When I was in the yarn business I met a chinese man working for an indian
company that was
available almost 24/7 (his secretary once told me that he even slept in the

I am really sorry for you and your clients, I hope the Golden Motor people
grow interest in the rest of the world.


So its not as if I have not been there but I think Philip is trying.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2007, 09:14:14 AM by myelectricbike »