Author Topic: Magic pie 3 is got resistant when turned on, throttle have no effect, help!  (Read 4288 times)

Offline MagicJacob

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I was  replacing my throttle and before soldering it's wire I checked it and it was working(my hall sensor wire was giving a 5v reading  and the wheel was speaning).

When I started soldering the new throttle cable I tried activating the wheel again and nothing happened this time.

Now every time I connect my wheel to the battery I feel strong resistance from the wheel, resistance that goes away as soon as I unplug the battery.
My hall sensor show 0v now, like It is cut off.

Tried to use my breaks to "reboot" the motor but with no success.

I feel that the controller went into some special state because of something I did but I have no idea how to solve this, please help.

Offline Bikemad

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Try disconnecting the throttle and both brake connections and see if the resistance in the wheel disappears.

If the resistance disappears, try plugging the brakes and throttle back in one at a time to see if you can locate which item is causing the problem. (The left brake lever, the right brake lever or the throttle)

If the resistance is still there with the throttle and brake plugs disconnected I would say that the controller itself may have been damaged by either an incorrect connection, or an unintentional short circuit caused by the soldering. :(

Please let us know what you find.


Offline MagicJacob

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Hi Bikemad and thanks for the reply.

When the throttle and breaks are disconnected and the battery is connected to the controller I still get a lot of resistance, when I try to spin  it by hand.

I have measured the difference between the  +5V and ground wires  that goes to the hall sensor in the throttle and I get a "0" reading, before the problem started I was getting the normal +5V, its like the controller is in a constant breaking state that is cutting of the throttle.

Once the battery is unplugged the wheel can be moved by hand with no resistance

The question is can this be fixed or I have no option but to get a new controller?

Offline Bikemad

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One final suggestion, try unplugging the eight pin connector on the motor harness, if the resistance is still there the problem will be a broken controller (or its wiring harness).

If you need to replace the controller you will need to recheck all the throttle connections you have soldered to make sure you don't also damage the new controller. :o


Offline MagicJacob

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Didn't work for me, one final question, is there any anti theft feature in the controller, something that will basically do what I am expressing right now?

Offline Bikemad

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As far as I'm aware there is no anti-theft feature on the MPIII, or any of the GM internal controllers for that matter.
The anti-theft function was only ever incorporated on some of the earlier external controllers.

Unfortunately, I think you will need to get another controller.  :(

« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 08:11:51 PM by Bikemad »

Offline MagicJacob

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Before I do that I will get an USB cabal today and try to reset the controller, if that won't work will take it apart(will have to do it anyway in some point) and look for a physical damage.