for months I want to show my progress on this vehicle. a rare trike...
the first thing I have to say, I suffer a disability in my left hand I can't drive a normal bike and also due to a problem in my left knee, I can't ride.
for me the solution is a tricycle to prevent falls and to avoid further damage my hand.
ah, sorry for my bad English, I know write very badly... je, je...
for about three months, I'm learning to build my own electric tricycle. in other forums I learned to build and in this forum, thanks to you, I learned to convert it electric.
these photos are the work I have done today and has been developing since late august in my little free time...
at this moment I'm waiting to receive the front wheels... a pair of 20" BMX wheels with disk brake.
all I'm doing is temporary. I intend to make a kind of prototype to improve gradually in the future
for the drive wheel I chose a 26" Magic Pie with external controller.
currently there are many things unfinished and not final as the seat, steering or the rear suspension, I know I can make it better.
I hope you enjoy my first electric trike and I encourage you to try it.
when I received the wheels and finishing the trike will promise to put more pictures.
thanks for your time and happy new year!