A. Forums are not the place for grammar cops. B. I rarely ever check the correctness of my speller. C. Grammar is also far more sophisticated than either grammar cops, spellers or grammar checkers can handle. Case in point: passive voice is critical to advanced English, French and most languages to give the reader an opportunity to relax and consider with greater emphasis whatever else is being said, just as intensity has a critical role in music. I haven't even gotten into play on words, etc. as reasons why a grammar cop on a forum is a
very bad thing. I suggest that if you want to be a grammar cop that you study language, context and venue first before handing out tickets to others.
If the coldset is 10mm or less then obviously you are within the recommended 10mm limit and there is no cheating, whether this is accomplished by either grinding back the flats or using a frame with a rear triangle axle spacing that is already great enough to permit a coldset of 10mm or less. There are also special gages and tools designed to overcome the problem of out of parallel dropouts resulting from exceeding the recommended coldset limits. These tools and gages are not cheap and are designed for the advanced bicycle mechanic. Armatures
(...don't you mean amatures...? Yes, Dear...
) should therefore conform to the recommended limits as advised.
Bicycle Frame/Hub Spacing