Author Topic: CAN communication to VEC-300 or real time data on 6-pin connector  (Read 12465 times)

Offline Hanzh

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CAN communication to VEC-300 or real time data on 6-pin connector
« on: September 09, 2023, 01:47:16 PM »

I am new to the forum and fairly new to using Golden Motor products.

We are building a boat project with a VEC-300 and a 5kW water cooled motor (HPM5000L) and a EB-4850 battery.

One of the things I would like to do is to get real time data from the controller in order to monitor RPM, amps and more during operation.

It looks like the controller may have the ability to connect a CAN-bus and I assume that the controller may send the data I am looking for on that CAN-bus.

It looks like CANL is pin 1 and CANH is pin 2 in the VEC 300 controller.

Is CAN activated on all controllers or is that a customisation?
Where can I find more info about the different Can messages and their data structure?

Alternatively, the 6 pin connector used for programming the VEC, might have the possibility to give the data I need.
I make that assumption as the bluetooth solution seams to have the possibility to feed such data to the "MagicPie UI" , "EZ-Outboard UI" or EZ Control" apps that seam to use Bluetooth to capture such data. (I have not been able to get that working but I guess it should work that way ...)

I have wired up the 6-pin connector to a FTDI TTL device using 5V logic and it works for the configuration software.
Is there some ways to use that to query the controller for real time data?
There are also 2 undocumented pins in the 6-pin connector. Are they possibly useful for my need? Could they also carry CAN signals or maybe another serial communication line?

As I mentioned, I use 5V logic on my FTDI TTL device and it seams to work well. 3.3V also seams to work. Does anyone know what the spec allows? Could it even be able to handle RS-232 with it's higher voltages?

Best regards

Offline Bikemad

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Re: CAN communication to VEC-300 or real time data on 6-pin connector
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2023, 09:29:57 PM »
Hi Hanz andto the forum.

It looks like the controller may have the ability to connect a CAN-bus and I assume that the controller may send the data I am looking for on that CAN-bus.

It looks like CANL is pin 1 and CANH is pin 2 in the VEC 300 controller.

Is CAN activated on all controllers or is that a customisation?
Where can I find more info about the different Can messages and their data structure?

According to the VEC controller guide, the controller can support UART, CAN and Bluetooth communication:

However, it also states:
Quote from: VEC Controller Guide
Programmable via PC
·Provide PC software(GUI) to program motor and control parameters to fine tune the drive system.
·Operating status can be monitored in real-time
·Support UART(standard)or CAN bus (optional)

I don't know whether the EZKontrol and EZ-Tune Apps are only suitable for use with the EZ controllers with built in Bluetooth, or whether they could also be used with a VEC controller with a suitable plug in Bluetooth dongle.

Quote from: website
EZkontrol supports multiple communication protocols and interfaces such as CAN-BUS, RS485, UART etc, so yes it CAN enabled. We are willing to provide free sample source codes for your quick-start CAN-BUS application development.

Perhaps an email to will give you the answer you're looking for.


Offline Defuzo

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Re: CAN communication to VEC-300 or real time data on 6-pin connector
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2023, 12:54:21 AM »
And nobody done any Arduino (DIY) version of the "Cycle Analyst"?