I just bought a Magic Pie 2 with the external controller along with the cycle analyst v3. The v3 came with a 12 pole disc to act as a sensor trigger for the pas. Also the shunt was in the box. There are a huge amount of wires on the controller. Reading the instructions that came with the analyst it said to at least connect the throttle to the v3. The wires from one of the brakes was already plugged in the controller. Do I plug the other brake wire into the v3? Just what items get hooked up to the v3? Do I just ignore most of many wires coming off the controller?
I have hooked up a couple bafang mid drive and a couple tongsheng mid drive and a bionx and one one geared bafang hub drive but find this set up to be quite confusing. The motor is a rear model and is going on the right side of a home made delta trike and will have no gears on it. The left wheel uses a jackshaft system to route power from the pedals.
So far I have the wheel mounted, the 12 pole magnet system and its sensor are also mounted. The analyst, throttle, brakes etc are loosely set on the handlebar. Can I just make some type of box or bag for the controller. Since it is finned I assume it needs to be in some type of airflow. And yes I have read the analyst instruction several times and plan to read and print as much info from the golden motor site as possible before going any further. One small issue is the length of all the cables. I guess if the controller gets placed at the rear of the trike some of excess wire lengths can be managed. I will place a picture of the trike just to give an idea of the build. The rrof is removeable and is currently off.