Author Topic: Issue between battery and motor  (Read 3155 times)

Offline Vitor Tomas

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Issue between battery and motor
« on: February 19, 2019, 04:23:45 PM »

My golden motor Magic Pie 5 and my battery HL 48v 14.5a are getting a trouble. :(
I can't get power on my battery without plugin the charger. when I insert the cable of charger in battery I can see the app is running normally and the motor/ controller and the throttle seem too.

• In the battery itself (those lights that indicate power, if you press) also doesn't appear anymore.
• The 3 lights in the throttle are all OFF since the very early days of my installation.
• I only can see the app running in phone, only when the charger cable is plugged in the battery.
• When I pull the cable off the battery the app shutdown instantly .
• Could be the on/off switch of the battery that does not let the power arrive to motor controller ?

for other words , my bike does not move or get power to motor only when I connect the charger ..
I assume it's nothing to do with the motor/controller right and it's maybe problem with the battery?

thanks! cheers amigo
« Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 12:28:43 AM by Bikemad »

Offline Sam.Vanratt

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Re: issue between battery and motor
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2019, 03:36:13 PM »
Hi Tomas
everything you describe points to the Battery. Depending on the internal chemistry this could be "normal" for a dead cell (=high to infinite resistance) after their lifespan is over.
Another possibility could be a broken connector in the battery itself OR the BMS is dead and blocks currentflow.
Do you have a voltmeter?
-IF you get any voltage (when not charging) put on a very light load and see if the  voltage is dropping dramatically
-I'd guess you do not get any "real" voltage.

Almost all loader electronic in combination with a stupid (=cheap) voltage-window BMS do treat a Li Cell quite bad. I build Li charger electronics for a living and do very careful construct good chargers, but that is for a different (price) class.
A BMS is very easy substituted with a different one (important is the fit for the cell chemistry) as most work the same way.
Contact your Battery supplier and ask for a revival/Warranty depending on your state of warranty.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 12:29:59 AM by Bikemad »