The ideal position for the temperature sensor
(thermistor) is between the cells in the centre of the pack, as this is typically the part that will get the hottest:

(If you don't have room between the cells, you can simply attach it between two of the outer cells using hot melt glue)
You can
(and really should) connect all the wires from the balance lead connector to their respective cell connections
before plugging in the connector, and you
must also ensure that they have been connected in the correct sequence from cell 1 negative to cell 14 positive.
It is a good idea to use a voltmeter to ensure the connector pins increase in voltage by the actual cell voltage from the battery negative end of the connecter
(Usually pin 1):
Pin 1-> 2 = ~4V
Pin 1-> 3 = ~8V
Pin 1-> 4 = ~12V
Pin 1-> 5 = ~16V
Pin 1-> 6 = ~20V
Pin 1-> 7 = ~24V
Pin 1-> 8 = ~28V
Pin 1-> 9 = ~32V
Pin 1->10 = ~36V
Pin 1->11 = ~40V
Pin 1->12 = ~44V
Pin 1->13 = ~48V
Pin 1->14 = ~52V
Pin 1->15 = ~56V
The above readings are what you would expect to see with an average cell voltage of ~4V per cell.
It is important to make sure
all of the cells in the pack are at approximately the same resting voltage before assembling the pack, or the
BMS may struggle to balance the completed pack.
They do not necessarily need to be at the ~4V shown in the above example, what really matters is that they should all be at a similar voltage
(similar state of charge).
(The resting voltage of all the cells could be 3.7V, 3.75, 3.8V, 3.85V etc. or even as high as 4.2V, just as long as they are all at approximately the same voltage)If the voltage readings are
not in a regular ascending order,
DO NOT PLUG THE BALANCE LEAD CONNECTOR INTO THE BMS SOCKET until the incorrect wiring connections have been rectified, or you are likely to damage the
BMS and/or the balance lead wires.

I hope this all makes sense.