Hi Tom,
I'd like to try and clarify which specific 48Volt 10Ah battery you have.
If it's the GM Rack mounted pack, it should contain 16 LiFePO
4 cells and have a maximum charging voltage of 58.4V which should be clearly marked on the charger:

With this type of battery, the following graph shows the approximate capacity that the previously mentioned battery gauge would display relative to the battery voltage shown along the bottom:

If it is a GM "Frog Style Battery Pack", it uses LiMn cells configured in a 13S configuration with a maximum charging voltage of 54.6v
(which should also be marked on the charger):

With a 13S LiMn frog style battery pack, the following graph would apply instead:

If you still have 53V available after riding eight miles, the above battery gauge would still be showing all seven bars, but it would indicate ~94% capacity remaining instead of the 100% shown here:

I am very surprised that the battery voltage has only dropped by 0.3V over an eight mile trip, as this would indicate to me that very little power has actually been used by the motor
(unless a substantial amount of regenerative power has also been produced by it).
Were there any hills on the trip, or was it all on the level and ridden at a relatively slow speed with the pedal assistance on a low setting?
At least you won't need to worry about running out of battery on longer trips, you should have been able to repeat the same ride ten times
(80 miles) on a full battery, if it was ridden exactly the same each time.

The pulsing effect of the pedelec only seems to occur with the vector controllers as fitted to your Magic Pie Edge and most of the current Magic Pie and Smart Pie motors.
I don't know whether the pulsing effect would be improved by reducing the "Acceleration" setting in the controller parameters, but you might need to reduce it by a large amount initially, so you can quickly determine whether if it has made any difference.