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Offline Beardamabobs

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« on: June 24, 2016, 07:15:57 AM »
« Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 05:35:30 PM by Beardamabobs »

Offline GM Canada

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Re: Golden Motor Canada
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2016, 01:00:33 PM »
I'd just like to share my bad experience with Gary Salo and Golden Motor Canada.  I notice there isn't a lot of helpful negative feedback on this forum to caution prospective Golden Motor Canada customers, or support fellow unsatisfied customers.  And judging from the number of problems I've had, that can't be giving people the full picture.  Now my situation might be something of a worst-case scenario, but because it happened to me, it could happen to you. 

I had trouble pretty much every step of the way.  Here's a link to some of it:
(or search: Smart Pie vector 4 troubleshooting)

 I can go into it more if people want, but let me put it this way, by the time Gary had sent me my second defective motor in a row my support ticket had so much on it that he said it was "too long" and refused to help me until I made a new ticket.  Now I'm sure we'll hear from Gary about this.

That pretty much sum's up my dealings with Gary Salo, and who knows, maybe he'll take it as a compliment, (although I don't intend it as one.)   But, feel free to look around the forum at all his posts and draw your own conclusions.

EDIT: Defamatory content removed by moderator.

There are some pretty obvious reasons why there is little negativity posted about me. I quoted your entire message as people tend to come back and edit their statements when things don't go in their favor.

Here is the actual facts in this issue.

You purchased a Smart pie 4. Right out of the box it had an issue and I replaced it with a free upgrade to Smart Pie 5 at no cost to you.

Now at 8 months later there is an issue with the Smart Pie 5. I asked you to open a new ticket as the other one is already long enough, resolved 8 months ago and completely unrelated to the new issue. This causes confusion and time wasting trying to figure out where the new unrelated issue starts every time I return to the ticket. For these very obvious reasons each issue require a separate ticket.

Now you refuse to do the simplest thing to have this resolved and have become completely belligerent, threatening and refuse to co-operate to the simplest request.

Since you are looking for public opinion I can post the entire ticket here for people to read and make their own judgement. Its up to you, but I don't think you would like the response you will receive. If you want to resolve the current issue come to the site and create a support ticket so we can get it done. Keep in mind though I will not respond to anymore insulting rhetoric.


Offline Bikemad

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Re: Golden Motor Canada
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2016, 01:26:29 PM »
Perhaps it's just me, but I fail to understand why you think you have had such a bad experience with Gary, and I really have no idea where all this negativity stems from or why you would even choose to describe it as a "worst-case scenario".

From what I've seen in your previous posts you were unfortunate in the first instance to have received a faulty motor, which was subsequently replaced free of charge by Gary with a newer more expensive version. Unfortunately, eight months later the replacement motor has now developed a problem which needs to be rectified, but Gary obviously did not knowingly send you a "second defective motor". And yes, you are correct, it could happen to anyone.

I can fully appreciate why you would be disappointed to experience a second problem, but I genuinely do not understand why you seem to think that it is all Gary's fault.

I am totally in favour of negative feedback being posted, as it can be very useful, but only if it is genuine, honest and backed up with factual evidence.  However, I do not agree with defamatory comments being posted publicly on the forum, which I had to remove to ensure the post complied with the terms of the registration agreement that you accepted when you joined this forum.
You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing...

I hope you and Gary are able to move on in an amicable fashion and get the problem sorted.


Offline Wklatt

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Re: Golden Motor Canada
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2016, 03:55:05 PM »
Just read a few of these threads about the issue and totally agree with Gary on this one. Both a vendor/retailer and a customer have responsibilities with an issue. And in this case, I think Gary has gone above and beyond with his. No doubt there are retailers/vendors out there that you have to watch out for. But from what I have seen, Gary is as fair and responsible as they come.

I just recently became a customer of GM Canada, and have to say I was most impressed with Gary's responsiveness, in-depth knowledge of ebikes, and his open willingness (some might say blunt) to give you the good and bad about a product. He doesn't just tell you what you want to hear, to make a quick sale.

As ebike's enthusiasts, I think we have to be careful not hurt our retailers (the good ones). This industry is just too small, especially in Canada.

Walter (a happy customer)
« Last Edit: June 24, 2016, 03:57:19 PM by Wklatt »

Offline Bedmountain

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Re: Golden Motor Canada
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2016, 06:37:38 PM »
I'm struggling to sit back and ignore an attack on someone, who in my experience, has always been professional, courteous, helpful and downright generous in all their dealings with me.

I've had several experiences where GM products have failed or not been as expected and on the occasions these have been supplied by Gary I have had nothing but perfect customer service.

Feel free to take a look at this post in which Gary sent me a cash payment to re-imburse me for an item I had to buy to make a GM product work. I didn't ask him for this - he felt it was the right thing to do...

Unscrupulous retailers should be exposed so that others can avoid them. Trustworthy, honest and professional retailers should be applauded and recommended so that others can benefit from them.

Gary and GM Canada are very much in the second category....

Offline Beardamabobs

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« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2016, 07:10:33 PM »
« Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 05:36:10 PM by Beardamabobs »

Offline Hastings

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Re: Golden Motor Canada
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2016, 08:10:40 PM »
I am just wondering from my side of the pond what is more important to you- blowing  of steam or having a swift replacement of a second unfortunately malfunctioning GM wheel ?

 It seems  you will end up getting your post censored -and no new wheel - unless you post a ticket with the relevant info - Your choice mate .....

Offline Wklatt

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Re: Golden Motor Canada
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2016, 09:01:17 PM »
Shame on you Alan.  Shame on both of you.  Is this how they brainwash you in China? Censoring anyone's free speech?  Really, I can't say that I think someone  is arrogant?  You even took the question mark off of my title!  Now I see why there's no helpful negative feedback on this site.  Golden Motor, spreading China's censorship to the rest of the world... Interesting.
Instead of personal attacks, why don't you stick with the facts of the matter and look for solutions. Your behavior does not help you with your situation.

Offline Morgen 3Eman

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Re: Golden Motor Canada
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2016, 07:05:23 PM »
Hi Beardamabobs

I apologize in advance.

I have no dog in this fight, but when folks say things that go completely against my experience, I tend  to call it BS.  And I grew up in rural North Dakota, so I know BS when I smell it:)

Your complaint smells like it to me.

I have long railed against GM management and have never had my comments changed or deleted.  I have had my posts challenged, disagreed with, and called BS, and even asked to leave the board by a sensitive creature, but never had  anything censored or deleted. I have disagreed with (and praised, to be honest) Alan with no repercussions.   So if you have had something deleted by Alan, it must have really been a doozie.  I've been on the board 3? 4? years and he has always seemed fair and polite, even in the face of monumental stupidity.  And that includes mine……( you do understand that we are all stupid from time to time)

I have had some experience with Salo,  including failures, and found him to be honest and fair. If China sends him defective new parts, it is not his fault when you find it defective, it is GM managements fault for shipping low quality goods.     I do not understand why you find it unreasonable to start a new complaint ticket when you complain about a new problem.   As a retired troubleshooter, I have to tell you that historical information may or may not be germaine, but I always demanded current symptoms and difficulties when I was called in to fix a problem. 

I have never had a drink with Salo or Alan, so they may be pervs for all I know.   My expereince is that they have been fair and honest with nearly everyone but you.  Maybe the problem is you? 

Sorry about your feelings, please don't get me kicked off the board again.


Offline Morgen 3Eman

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Re: Golden Motor Canada
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2016, 08:28:15 PM »
Hello again,

Now that I have introduced you to the Chief of the Boat (google it) side of me, let me introduce the manufacturing engineer side of me.

I have been a problem solver since I was a kid.

For background, I have repaired satellite navigation systems in Guam while I was stationed in Scotland, and devised a semiconductor plasma processing system that allowed certain devices to operate on Mars. ( and probably in your cell phone)  I am experienced to the component level in RF and digital electronics, high & medium vacuum,  and mechanical systems. I'm pretty good with hydraulics and plasma physics.   Sadly, all I really know about chemistry is that you put salt on potatoes. 

If you would like some help, with no guarantees, please describe the problem you are having with your system. You said it was not the brakes, etc., I want to know what tests you performed to arrive at that decision. 
