Like I said,
"You should not expect to develop rated power and speed with lower supply voltage, simply because of the lower supply voltage. "
In the gear head community there is a saying "How fast you can go depends on how much money you can spend", or variations on that theme. If you want to keep the 60VDC supply, that is what limits the speed. I was addressing the reliability aspect. 60 Volts won't hurt a 72 Volt controller, but would probably fry a 48 Volt controller. 60 Volts applied to a 72 Volt motor (through the appropriately rated controller) wont hurt it, (it will probably lengthen the service life) but it wont allow it to run at the full rated speed. 60 Volts applied to a 48 Volt motor probably wont kill it immediately, but you should expect a reduced service life, and the motor will run faster than the rated speed.
Your quote is right, and it makes perfect sense, but you are applying it incorrectly. Your choice of 60 as a supply sets the max speed. I don't remember the formula right off hand, but you can Google it to learn more.
PS more torque is always a good thing:)