Author Topic: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS  (Read 62949 times)

Offline GM Canada

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Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« on: August 03, 2015, 08:05:23 PM »
In case you are Unaware!


See my Video

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Offline Mikalow

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2015, 12:56:55 AM »
Will this controller work in Magic pie 4

Offline GM Canada

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2015, 03:16:02 AM »
YES! Upgrading from MP4 to MP5 can be done by replacing the controller.

That is the greatest thing about it and why I described in some detail about the different controllers in the video. The video is in the post above.

If you have a controller before v 5.3.1 you can replace it easily. If you have v5.3.1 your likely bluetooth ready now. You just need the device. If you have the original solid silver controller you will need a plug and screw packet for changing the plugs.


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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2015, 10:34:56 PM »
Have you tried the Bluetooth dongle on the other vector controllers to see if it works?
i need to check my sp4 to see what version it is....


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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2015, 06:54:31 PM »
can you use the mp4 software to adjust parameters on the mp5, or will you be able to access all  parameters on phone


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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2015, 07:14:14 PM »
Have you tried the Bluetooth dongle on the other vector controllers to see if it works?
i need to check my sp4 to see what version it is....


Hi Phil,

Still waiting to try it for the first time, so the answer at this point is "No I have not tried it".


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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2015, 07:18:09 PM »
can you use the mp4 software to adjust parameters on the mp5, or will you be able to access all  parameters on phone


From my understanding the Bluetooth device just replaces the Smart Display. So judging from that I would say you still need the USB cable to program the motor. The device would only be used for reading speed, power, etc. One thing you will be able to program would be the pedelec setting if you are using one. Once I receive the devices more videos will follow. Stay tuned :)


Offline Bikemad

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2015, 11:40:24 PM »
I received a recent email from Philip at GM and he says that the Smart Phone app can be used to program the controller's parameters.  ;)

I have asked Philip if the existing USB programming lead can still be used to program the controller, but I haven't had a reply yet.


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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2015, 01:44:55 PM »
Yes, I have been told that as well but still have not seen any screens in the app supporting this so I go by my standard rule of not confirming anything I have not personally experienced. I do however see the settings Icon in the top right corner and am hopeful.

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2015, 06:57:40 AM »
can it now do firmware upgrades

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2015, 10:27:06 AM »
Not that I am aware of.

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2015, 01:03:31 AM »

I have asked Philip if the existing USB programming lead can still be used to program the controller, but I haven't had a reply yet.


Hi Alan,

I was thinking about this and it would seem obvious the USB programming cable would still work as you can't program the controller with the smart display.

Gotch ya!

 8) 8)


Offline Bikemad

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2015, 12:06:51 PM »
Hi Gary,

Just because you "can't program the controller with the smart display" it doesn't necessarily mean that you can program the MP5 controller with the MP4 USB cable.
It's a bit like assuming that the MP4 controller can be programmed with the MP III USB cable simply because it fits into the same connector. What may seem obvious is not always guaranteed to work. ;)

However, as the MP4 and MP5 both have vector controllers, I am expecting the MP4 USB programming cable to work with the MP5, but rather than just take it for granted that it will work, I simply wanted confirmation. 

Have you tried to program one of the MP5 controllers with the MP4 USB programming lead to check that it works?

Also, if you are using the BAC-601 Smart Display with the MP5, it means that you cannot use the Bluetooth device at the same time for monitoring trip mileages, speed, motor rpm, current, voltages, battery levels, etc. as you can only use one or the other.
So you would still need to carry the plug-in Bluetooth device with you if you wanted to change any of the program parameters via your phone while out riding.

For those who still want a fixed display on the bike (and an easy to reach button for selecting the PAS levels) the obvious solution would be a display unit similar to the BAC-601 but with integrated Bluetooth to allow data monitoring/capturing along with additional programming options to be accessed via a smartphone.

One useful option I would like to see added to the app would be an "Off Road" mode that would instantly switch to pre-set higher speed and higher power settings for off road use which could simply revert back to street legal settings for highway use (and also disable the throttle if required).

It might be a good idea to have this function hidden and/or user password protected to avoid accidentally selecting the "Off Road" mode whilst riding on public highways.
I would also suggest having a quick and easy fail-safe way of exiting the "Off Road" mode like simply pressing and holding anywhere on the screen, just in case you find yourself being stopped by the police while accidentally riding on a public highway in "Off Road" mode.

« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 11:30:47 PM by Bikemad »

Offline GM Canada

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2015, 01:36:02 AM »
Hi Gary,

However, as the MP4 and MP5 both have vector controllers, I am expecting the MP4 USB programming cable to work with the MP5, but rather than just take it for granted that it will work, I simply wanted confirmation. 

So we are both cautious and rightfully so. The introduction of new products, changes to design and new features are always a surprise to everyone. It is like ok we have something new, so how does it work?


Have you tried to program one of the MP5 controllers with the MP4 USB programming lead to check that it works?

Yes I have and I'll make a new video soon. We seem to have got passed the quirky connection method we used previously in the MP4.


Also, if you are using the BAC-601 Smart Display with the MP5, it means that you cannot use the Bluetooth device at the same time for monitoring trip mileages, speed, motor rpm, current, voltages, battery levels, etc. as you can only use one or the other.

True. One connection at a time. I intend to zip tie the Bluetooth device to the bike. You can see from the picture it would be quite simple to do. Sorry about the logo. I don't know what I did with the original picture.

This does make the Bluetooth device the less expensive route not requiring both a smart display and USB cable. But then you have to buy a mount for the device on your bike.

I made a short video to help people understand their options. Click here to see the VIDEO


For those who still want a fixed display on the bike (and an easy to reach button for selecting the PAS levels) the obvious solution would be a display unit similar to the BAC-601 but with integrated Bluetooth to allow data monitoring/capturing along with additional programming options to be accessed via a smartphone.

Agreed. I am sure its just a matter of time until we have this or something similar.


I should add. And its a bit of an apology to people trying to contact me. I just returned from vacation. This year due to family scheduling conflicts I had a week off, a week back at work and another week off. Now I am back at it. So  if I missed your email or phone call just contact me again. I don't think Ill be able to catch up on the hundreds of emails I missed as I have a huge shipping backlog to clear.

One last little note: I'm finally giving up the day job. I can no longer work two full time jobs so now I'll be dedicating all my time to servicing customers needs!

Offline Supchrgamx

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2015, 03:45:37 AM »
hey Allen
I agree with the offroad switch , that why I asked about the firmware upgrade
seems to be a max km\hr thing in Canada
that would be the only hurdle for me producing a world class bicycle with their system
still would want tail lite ,tell tail ,solid on street mode flashing on of road, no tail lite -no off road
even the 2nd version that I built , more so to test the technology has great reviews  and have had offers to buy it,or build one for them. seems like I'm to busy riding to have time building, its an addiction
