Author Topic: Wanted: Modification/feature request to change the maximum output to 500W 32Km/h  (Read 19542 times)

Offline ToddMurray

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I have the MP Vector and I really like the top speed on the off road trails , but if by chance I get stopped by the police with the motor programmed for maximum output, then I could be in trouble.
It would be great to have a secret switch or button sequence to dynamical change the programming to 500Watts with a max speed of 32Km/h.
I guess a cycle analyst with a shunt could do this, but I'm not confident I could change the programming fast enough without being seen by the cops. I don't want the extra bling on my handle bars either.
Perhaps an adjustable shunt strapped to the bike to tweak the legal limit, and secret switch some where hidden so the when selected the bike is legal.
When unselected, the bike runs at max output. I think the stealth bomber has a switch to go from legal to off road.

Thoughts anyone.

Offline ToddMurray

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I just stumbled across this thread. This is a low cost design. Now to make it stealth. Perhaps a dummy head light. ;)