Hi Gary
Apologies for late reply. I was only able to get my hands on that this weekend.
What is the purpose for me to lie?

I'm just decribing issues we've faced converting MP3 to MP4.
I think there is main difference between MP3 revs. So called MP3.1 and MP3.2. MP3.2 has a bit different controller?, different winding and, possibly, narrower axle.
Mine is MP3.2
I did take some pics of the controller but did not remove it as it is silicone sealed including axle. See attached.
It will be now converted back to MP3 but before that we'll try to understand a difference and what exactly needs to be done for it to work with this controller.
The official answer from GM is that it does not work but for some reason I don't believe it's not possible to make it work in worst case rewinding wires just for matter of science

I did swap my motor with Vector on weekend and I can confirm that performance boost is incredible.
I was not able to stop wheel from spinning (front) all the time on unpaved road with 100% Accel setting. Last time I was not able to spin wheel no matter how hard I tried.
It runs something like 5 times better in terms of torque and acceleration than MP3 with Vec and better than original MP3 with stock controller.