Author Topic: USB lead programming update  (Read 4082 times)

Offline Bwizz

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USB lead programming update
« on: June 15, 2014, 08:07:39 PM »
Just an update on my mp3 software issue.  I still do not get any clue that the programme has connected and is active . but  otherwise seems to work. A new annoyance is that if the battery gets anywhere near flat ,after re charge all previous setting are lost. the loss of recycle brake is pretty dangerous, as is the new unrestrained take of.
The cruise controll is still buggy .the pedalac function worked for a few minutes after first install . never worked since. spokes are coming loose.
I don't know about mp4 .why not sort out the bugs in the 3

Offline Aliasssss

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Re: USB lead programming update
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2014, 06:45:44 AM »
Hey mate.

I find that the cruise control works great as long as you keep a steady throttle for about half a second before pressing the cruise control button. If you are accelerating or if there are bumps on the road you are riding, cruise control tend to activate on a total different level of throttle than one wishes, that is if it turns ON at all... On a steady hand and flat surfaces CC is working perfectly, at least on my MP III.

Never used pedelec so I cannot have a saying on that.

It's probably the BMS that is cutting out the battery but something does not add up... I mean why would the controller reset to factory default and lose all the settings?

I got myself used to 100% acceleration setting as I do want to have instantaneous reaction from the throttle. If you drop the Acceleration level on the controller you will experience some delay, kind of like an ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) acceleration.


Offline Bwizz

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Re: USB lead programming update
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2014, 07:34:57 AM »
Don't know why the software re sets but it has since I got the replacement motor from GM . Its my partners bike she can't cope with the full power and no electro brake.

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Re: USB lead programming update
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2014, 07:13:47 PM »
I have the same problem with resetting to default, but on mine (Smart Pie) it only resets when battery is disconnectet AND the motor is turned, i.e. pedelling the bike manually, so never pedal without batteries connected ;-/
My trouble is my Smart Pie is mounted in reverse so when reset is goes reverse :-)

The problem never occured on my 3 years old MP3, but I will never update it reading these issues.

Regards NR

Offline Bwizz

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Re: USB lead programming update
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2014, 07:56:21 AM »
These unsorted buggs spoil an otherwise good product. shame GM don't sort out the tatty wiring and include a programmable handlebar mounted console
"which is waterproof"  would be worth paying extra

Offline Aliasssss

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Re: USB lead programming update
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2014, 10:34:34 PM »
... and up the price about 150$... will lose half the market share that way... not necessarily if is an addon, not default config. Then who wants it can buy it and config the MP III on the spot.

Offline Bwizz

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Re: USB lead programming update
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2014, 08:58:35 AM »
If it was an optional extra I would consider. The buggs still need sorting before I would recommend to a non mechanic