Hi Alan,
Thanks for your reply.
about my throttle, its a mp3 kit throttle with plug, but I had to cut the plug since I got a external controller the BAC241
i believe.
I never used the throttle since I only used the PAS system.
But now that I don't get anything out of my set (totaly broken) i was wondering if I could test it with the throttle so I can use it again.
I've taken the set to some young guy that lives nearby to see if he can fix it.
I'm a totol noob when it comes to electricity and he's a electrical engineer, so I really hope he can figure out wats wrong with it and fix it for me.
I must say that i'm a bit dissapointed with the set.
I've bought it in February, and have ridden it about 1.5 month in total, the rest of the time was spend on waiting for new parts that had been broken (specially the controller, i'm at my 4th )
If the guy can fix it, im planning to sell it and buy me an prepared bike, but one that wil give me power to ride about 33 km/h.